7: New faces

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Gemmy and I shared by the far one of the best nights of my lif- afterlife... We ended up laying next to each other talking about songs we've written and what they mean. I didn't dare ask about her sad alter ego... She said she's never written a love song.. She's only written a few that deal with life issues. When I asked her why she said she's never been in love and she can't put feelings she doesn't have into a song..

The one thing that caught my attention was the fact that there was a slight sparkle to her eyes that made doubt her explanation.. I'd like to think I've changed that and maybe she'll write a song about me. Hah yeah right... Even if that were true I can't and I won't do anything about it. This is all so new to me and especially to her.. Even though we carry on like this is all a normal thing it really isn't.. Then apart from all that there's the getting to know one another, and feelings stupid, stupid feelings..

I ended up having to bring up the covers so she wouldn't get cold and having to turn her lights off.. She fell asleep as I played a long to that song she sung to me.. What was it called? I don't think she told me or else I'd remember.. She laughed at me for playing the familiar tune, “it's kinda stuck in my head” I chuckled and before I knew it she was out like a light. I set the guitar down beside me I didn't want to get up from this spot, I'm watching her sleep from so close up and it's even better than the nice evening we had... I wish I could sleep and feel what's its like to dream again. I mean really dream, because my dreams used to be nightmares.. They started after my dad died and I guess that was understandable. But I found myself barely sleeping which only added to my misery..

As I watch Gemmy sleep I noticed her lips twitch up into a small smile, she must be dreaming.. Could it be about me? I mean she did call my name the last time.. No don't be stupid mate..

I was sitting out in the garden when Niall came to join me with a glass of iced tea for each of us. The sun was shining and the breeze was filled with the smell of the coming fall. “It's almost as beautiful as you out today” Niall spoke up and I scoffed and nudged him, “yeah very original Niall” I rolled my eyes playfully, managing to make a cheeky grin take over his features. 

I'll miss you tomorrow”

It's just school, plus its not like I'm not coming back” I giggle.

I know but still..” He sighs, and I take his hand in mine lacing our fingers together. 

You should come with me” I offer cheerfully.

Ha I wish, you know I can't do that” he brings my hand to his lips and places a chaste kiss on my knuckles. 

Why not?” I ask my smile fading as I wait for his reply.

Gem, you know why..” He sighs with a smile and I think I do but not fully

Remind me again...” I suggest hesitantly and he sighs heavily, his blue eyes dilating as they stare into mine. “Because babe.. This isn't real, We aren't real.. Your just dreaming with your heart. You know this.." He pauses and holds our entwined hands up, “we can't do this in our reality” he grins and goes back to staring off into the distance. My mouth drops open and I suddenly remember.. He's right this is all just in my head it isn't real, we aren't really together... We can never be... 

I watch as a small crease forms between her brows and it instantly worries me. Her pink lips turn from a smile into a frown, and she begins to toss and turn. 

No.. why..”

Gemmy..” I call to her but she can't seem to hear me, I reach out to her but my attempts are in vain I thought that it'd be like the time she almost fell where I caught her.. But it's not working, she's started to cry in her sleep and its tearing me apart she doesn't wake up, why isn't she waking up yet?!

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