15: It's A Small World

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As I close the door behind me the familiar sticky note is stuck to the kitchen table. I pick it up and leave my book bag by the door, luckily I have no homework tonight. I don't think I would have done it anyway, which is definitely not me, but Niall would be a huge distraction.

“I saw her leave, she was on the phone with your aunt I think” Niall's voice is heard before he is seen. I look up from the words on the yellow post-it that matched his voice. “Oh, yeah they'll be here soon then” my eyes follow his figure as he descends the stairs, and when his eyes meet mine I feel shy all of a sudden. “Your dad also went out with some co-workers” he sighs as he comes to stand in front of me. “Yeah he um doesn't really like my aunt” I half laugh, usually I have so much to say to him but I feel like everything has changed. My feelings are out in the open, this morning was a lot different than this moment. It was rushed, my mind was all over the place. In fact it still is. I only knew that I wanted him to know how I felt, and now he does and well.. I dunno what to do now.


“Niall I-” we say at once and I finally look up into his gorgeous blue eyes. The same pair of eyes that have haunted my dreams several times. “You go first” his cheeks turn a shade of pink which in turn make me flush as well. “Um I- wow, I actually forgot what I was going to say...” I bite my lower lip, and I watch as his eyes flicker from my eyes and to my mouth.

“So did I” he breathes and takes another step towards me, closing the small space between us. “I think it's safe to say, you have that effect on me” he chuckles and it's those kind words that make me fall a little bit more every time. “Do you not notice how much of a charmer you are?” I lower my gaze but he forces me too look back up without even having to touch me. “No. Actually I think you bring that out in me too” he gives me a shy smile, his lack of confidence etched across his face contradicts the words he said only moments ago. The sad part is he didn't even realize it until I mentioned it. “I think you bring it out in yourself, you just have to stop thinking so much” I smile as his eyes mirror my own.

He stares at me as if he's trying to make sense of what I've just said, “Tell me something” I sigh.

“Um like what?” a small crease forms between his brows.

“Something you wouldn't normally feel confident saying”

I run a hand through my hair and take a step back, what does she want me to say? I don't feel confident telling her half the shit that comes to mind.. “Niall..” she sounds disappointed and it's the most frustrating feeling to let her down in a such a petty way. “I- I can't Gemmy.. I'm not built that way”

Yes you are you just made yourself believe you weren't” she closes the space between us once more.


Just tell me anything, something about me even. The first thing that comes to mind” she smiles and I feel my knees buckle. I love it when she smiles, it's so sincere and her brows shoot up in the cutest way. “I liked what happened this morning. Your lips felt just the way I had imagined” the words tumble out of my mouth, before I can even begin to process them. It's her, the mere sight of her and I forget my insecurities...

See that wasn't so bad” she bows her head to hide her blush, but she quickly recovers and looks up at me. We stand in a short comfortable silence, until Gemmy stands on her tippy toes, begging for me to kiss her. Her eyes flutter closed as her lips inch closer and closer to my own. As much as I want to I can't... I'm scared that it won't happen again, because shit like that always happens to me. Nothing good ever sticks around me..

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