18: Something True

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“Are you sure your Alright?” Nick asks for the hundredth time since I thought I saw his blue eyes. Honestly I don't know which set of blue eyes it was.. they're so similar.. so blue with that same gleam to them..

Such similarities you'd think they were related.. Could they be related? Oh my god.. they have to be. Their are too many similarities. The eyes, the shape of their mouths, the same complexion.

God i'm literally too stupid to insult.

“I know this is probably not my place to ask.. but um-” I pause to watch as he shuffles through some old records. “What is it?” he doesn't look at me but I know he's listening. “Niall..” I breathe his name allowing a sharp pain to form in my chest.

“What about him?” he stops what he's doing and just stares into the air.

“Did you um ever meet his dad?” I ask, and I know how completely insane I must sound. I told him I didn't know him and here I am asking about his father.

“Yes. We were practically brothers I was like a son to his dad before..” He trails off with a certain edge to his voice that should be enough to warn me off.

“What did he look like?” I stupidly blurt before I have time to really process how to ask this question.

“What?” he turns to face me with a look of stupidity and anger. Oh hey here's the Nick I met on day one

“I'm just um curious.. Maybe I knew him” I lower my gaze from his his intense glare is intimidating.

“What kind of question is that? Is there something you aren't telling me because you make no damn sense right now and......”

The sound of Nick's voice slowly fades into background noise

Gemmy” my voice is heard through the air in barely a whisper yet at it's loudest. It's almost as if I have no control over my body cause I find myself walking away from the background noise of Nick's voice and walking towards the back of the record store. The familiar shining blue eyes that have haunted my dreams before call to me from a seemingly dark corner of the store.

“Gemmy?” Nick calls to me but I have no control over what's happening.

As I reach the spot in the back I feel a lot more in control, but everything goes dark. What the hell?

Immediately I think this can't be real I must be asleep or something. Everything is pitch dark and it's just me in the dim spotlight coming out of nowhere.

“Gemmy” his voice calls out to me and I know it's him. Niall's father.

“Why didn't you tell me?” I cry out looking all around for him until finally he comes into sight. He has the nerve to look confused by my tone. “Why didn't you tell me you were his dad?” I ask specifically and realization crosses his features.

“I didn't want you to think I was taking sides. Things have to remain professional Gemmy.” he states calmly.

“Screw professional. This isn't some business deal. This is my life. I have enough going on in my head without having to deal with all this!” I wave my hand around to the darkness surrounding us, I hadn't realized I was screaming until my voice boomed in the vast space.

“I know..” he sighs.

“What do you know? Nothing! I swear I feel like i'm going insane. I mean is this even real or am I still asleep? None of this was supposed to happen and nothing makes sense. Like why me? Why him? Why any of it? No one is giving me answers!” I cry but no tears come out, my fingers tangle in my hair as I pull at the roots hoping that I don't feel it. Just so I can try to convince myself that this is a dream.

“I know a lot more than you think Gemmy. I know about your internal struggle to find yourself. Who you are, where you came from.” He sighs like he's stating the obvious. The more he talks the more everything around me continues, the crazier I feel. He's right of course..

“Your silence only confirms my assumptions.” he speaks after my brief silence, “And like i've said before you and Niall need each other. Just because I am his father does not mean i'm playing match maker. There is so much more involved here than you think. For now you just have to trust me..”

“You always ask me to trust you and for some reason I believe that I can but.. I don't think I want to anymore” I let my hands fall at my sides, “Niall was right okay? This can't work and I don't know why I ever believed it would. I guess I was mislead by your advice? If that's what it is you've been providing”

He groans in frustration, finally letting his passive stare fall, “I- look, you just can't give up yet okay? Keep giving me the trust I ask for..” He sounds pleading and it only makes my curiosity about this mess of a situation deepen.

“Tell me why I should? I've never really asked you, I guess cause I assumed you wouldn't tell me but..” I feel my throat tighten, with anticipated hope that he will finally tell me something that can set me somewhat at ease.

“But i'm asking you now.. Please just tell me” I beg, holding his stare and I can see the internal turmoil behind his eyes.

He shakes his head before letting it hand low and rubbing his neck. I stand waiting for him to fess up, while he mumbles something under his breath. “Okay” he breathes looking up, almost as if he were talking to someone.

“I'll tell you what i'm allowed to.. just please keep an open mind love, this is sort of big.. aha” he stifles a laugh out of nerves, and It brings my anxiety to a whole new level.

“I can take it just tell me..” I take a step toward him, his eyes boring into mine, it seems like an endless tunnel. Like i'm staring at my own eyes.

“I'm only allowed to tell you that.. you are Niall's salvation just as much as he is yours. Don't ask me how or why you, just accept it for now.. Things will become clear soon enough” He rushes the information and I stand processing it. How am I Niall's salvation? Why..? He asked you not to ask that smartass.

I ignore my subconscious and try to be thankful he gave me something to work with. “So that's why you push me to give him a chance every time?” I have the need to ask.

“Yes, especially now Gemmy.. his time is- limited. You need to reach out to him tonight..” he looks away from my stare and gives his back to me. “Wait what do you mean limited he's well dead” I take another step towards him as he starts walking away. “Wait!” I call to him but with each step I take he seems to be further away.

Gemmy!” I hear my name being called and the darkness seemingly starts melting away I feel myself being jolted out of my own mind and back into reality.

My eyes shoot open as I stare up at the ceiling, Nick is hovering over me but I can barely make out his voice. Although his expression shows he's relieved I've responded to his dozen tries to wake me.


Sorry it's short but I did promise and update and here it is sorry it's also late lol ive been working on it all day honestly between breaks :x im bad I know D: lol anyway i'm excited things are becoming clearer ;) and Gemmy's past is kind starting to surface? :) anyway enjoy!

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