21: Ridiculousness?

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It seems like something out of a fantasy book, where mermaids exist and you can fly with just a sprinkle of pixie dust. Witches, magic, ghosts – hah. What else is possible? Even being able to talk to spiritual entities has it's explanations but this? I'm a wicken..

I didn't even know those existed – well I did – but I would have never imagined it to be real. Sure there are those people who run blogs about magic and the occasional lunatic that pops up on the television. But anyone would assume these people are delirious. “Do you want me to continue or have you had enough for today?” gramma Heather asks eyeing me cautiously. No. echoes in my mind but my lips betray me. “No it's fine I need to know” I gulp and try not to think about the fact that this woman isn't who I thought she was. She's been hiding everything from me, from the beginning of my existence until now.

“First you should know Gemmy, your mother loved you so so much”

“Yeah that's evident thanks” I mumble under my breath and she takes my hand again focring me to look her in the eyes.

“It's true Gemmy – she had no choice but to leave you in my care. She told me I would know what's best and I did” she half smiles in the distance. “I knew I would be able to keep an eye on you if you were in the care of Melissa – your mother”

“She isn't my -”

“Don't ever say that Gem. Although Melissa did not carry you in her womb – she raised you and cared for you. Turning you into this gorgeous, intelligent young woman. She is and always will be your mother Gemmy” she rants, disappointment clear in her retinas. I keep my mouth shut and allow her to continue.

“Your birth mother – Amara, she was forced to give you away and flee” she sighs gauging my reaction. I roll my eyes, typical melodrama. There is always a choice, she didn't have to abandon me – to have to live with feeling empty for most of my life.

“No, don't roll your eyes listen.” Heather snaps, the more she does that thing where she knows everything – the more I believe this isn't some stupid story. Though I kinda wish it was.

“She had to leave you because although we are in the 21st century – covens all over the world still hold on to their ancient rules. They were after you – the both of you” she sighs, fear lacing her words. I sit up my palms sweaty and eager to hear the answer behind her fear.

“Eventually they caught up with her but – that's why she left you with me, to ensure your survival” she sniffs, wiping away a stray tear. Was she so close to my birth mom? God I don't know what to believe. I do feel a sense of resolve now, yet I can't believe any of this is actually true.

“So what? I was forgotten – to the rest of the witches or coven or whatever? And where is my birth dad?” I question, sounding a lot angrier than I had anticipated. It's because of this stupid coven that I was left with a void in my heart. I am grateful for the loving family that took me in and raised me but I wish I could have known. I just wish someone would have told me something instead of me finding out through my new experience with Niall.

“No – sort of. It's not as crappy as it seems Gemmy. I put a protection spell over you – to conceal the magic within you. And as for your father well – they caught up with him long before they found your mother. He lead them away so she could bring you to me.” She explains and my mouth is so dry I actually start coughing.

“Here” Heather reaches for an empty glass on the table and with a wave of her hand it's filled with water. My eyes go wide as she gives me a tight smile and helps me drink.

I finish off the water and we sit in silence.

How could two people I have never met before, mean so much to me already. I've only just learned of their existence and I want to curse who ever it is that took them from me. They loved me – so much that they died for me. Just like my mom and dad back home would.

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