5: Sorry

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"Gemmy?" My mom called from the bottom of the stairs, and I panicked.. Did she hear me technically arguing with myself? Since i'm the only one who can see Niall.. "Yeah mom?" I squeak and I heard her coming up so I ran over and plopped down on my bed. "Who were you yelling at?" She stands in front of my bed and gives me a concerned expression. "Oh um I was having a bad dream that's all" I lied and turned over in bed bringing the covers up to my neck. I wonder where Niall ran off to? He did say he can't or never tried to actually leave the house..

"Are you sure? It sounded like you were awake and really upset at someone.." She came over to sit by me.

"It was just a dream mom.. I woke myself up just now.. hah" I stifled a fake laugh and her concerned expression vanished. "Well okay.. if you wanna talk about it I'm here sweetie" she brushed the hair from my face and gave me a loving motherly smile.

"I will" I return her smile.

"Well I have to go into work, it's really early you should be asleep" she jokes and starts to leave. I watch her disappear before I get up and start pacing. Why am I so worked up over this? Maybe because you dreamed he loved you and you know you like him.. No... no no, I just feel guilty because I hurt his feelings.. I want to go downstairs and see where in the house he ran off to. But I don't want my mom thinking i'm going crazy.. I think I am though.. I'll just get dressed and then go downstairs and act like nothing happened if my moms still there..


After I had showered I picked out my loose fitting floral blouse and tucked it in to my high waisted white knit skirt. I slipped on my tan wingtip shoes and a necklace to accessorize a bit. I put my hair in a pony tail before twisting it around into a bun. After applying some mascara and eyeliner I took one last look in my mirror I thought about how I'd apologize to Niall and maybe we can sit and just talk.. I think we desperately need to know more about each other, like in terms of boundaries and the no go conversation topics or details.

I made my way downstairs and when I got to the first landing I peered around the wall into the kitchen to see my mom was getting her bag with her coffee mug in hand. I looked around into the living room to see if he was there but no sign.. "Gemmy! Ugh you scared me" My mom rolled her eyes dramatically as she came out of the kitchen.

"Oh sorry I just- have you seen Candace?"

"Yeah I think she's in your dads study.. before I went to check up on you she just ran in there.. crazy cat.. Anyway, i'll see you later today babe" she sighed and with a quick kiss on the cheek she left. I looked towards my dads study to see that the door was open slightly, my brows furrowed and I made my way slowly to the room. "Candace?" I called to her as I stuck my head in and I found her perched on my dads leather arm chair purring like a lawn mower because Niall was petting her.. He didn't look up as I came in leaving the door the way it was before. "She's really friendly" he spoke after a few seconds of awkward silence. "Yeah she is.." my voice was barely audible, "Niall i'm really sorry if I-"

"Don't worry about it, i'm over it. Plus I can't say I don't deserve it, I shouldn't have gone through your things.. even if it was just to get to know you.." He sighed still not looking at me and scratching behind Candace's ear. I stared down at my hands that hung in front of me, he didn't deserve what I said to him.. why would he think that.. "No I do have to be sorry, I shouldn't have said what I said.. I mean I don't know how you.." I stopped not sure how to word this and he finally looked up at me his eyes mirrored mine and I felt my breath being taken from me. The effect he has on me is insane.. "Look, I'm just really sorry.. you didn't deserve what I said and maybe someday you'll tell me how you um passed.." I tried to put it as lightly as I could and the fact that I had brought up the future without really thinking made me wonder.. Will there be a future? One that he'll be a part of? I only just met him and I can't help but hope there is.. "It's fine really Gemmy, I might have over reacted.." He half smiled and continued to pet Candace. I walked over to her and started to pet her as well, I've been neglecting my kitty. "I thought animals were scared of ghosts" I giggle and Niall's hand slips, I'd like to say it brushed mine but of course it didn't..

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