4: Maybe Your Perfect For Me

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I watched as Gemmy slept soundly in her bed, she did tell me to leave because she didn't feel comfortable with me in the room. I haven't told her that I don't or uh can't sleep, i'm sure if I did she'd find it even weirder if I stayed the night in her room. I haven't told her I can make myself visible when and if I want.. That's the only reason I'm here now. If by some reason she wakes during the night, she won't see me.. I could be laying right next to her and she wouldn't notice. 

Dinner with her family was something else.. I had forgotten what its like to have people that clearly love you, they all shared about their days and joked around. It reminded me of dinner with my family.. Before everything went to shit, it was the day before my fathers accident.. The last real family dinner I ever shared with him. After he died my mom and I didn't even bother to talk during dinner.. Psh, we never even had diner together.. I miss her.. I wonder how she's doing.. I know she isn't really mad like everyone made her out to be or how she made herself out to be. I knew she only did it because she couldn't find the strength to live without me.. Which is still a surprise to me.. I always thought after my dad died that she didn't care.. All it took for you to realize everyone cared, was dying.. I'd like to say that was my subconscious but I don't even know if it is..

Watching Gemmy laugh and having a nice dinner with her family made me wonder what kind of happy girl like her would write such sad and meaningful songs or stories.. I hope that the more we talk and get to know each other she'll open up to me. I know she probably has a ton of questions to ask me... at the top of her list of many questions is probably the most obvious. How did I die.. I know i'm going to have to tell her eventually, but I choose to tell her later.. I know that the way I died would make think differently of me.. because of the fact that I wanted it to happen back... I don't think she's the type to judge but then again you never really know someone.

Even as I say that to myself I can't help but feel like theres some form of connection between Gemmy and I, it's so weird it's like I do know her and I know I can trust her It's almost like she's meant for me... But that's ridiculous.. I guess I just don't trust my own feelings.. because I know they're going to get in the way some how and ruin the only good thing I have going in my life.. well afterlife..

 Gemmy starts school at my old high school on Friday.. I wonder if she's going to have any classes with Nick.. The countless stories I could tell her about him, he really was my only friend.. I wish I could ask her to befriend him and invite him over just so I could see him, face to face.. Well for him it's be like face to air.. My thoughts had come to a stop as I sat perched on the window seat as usual, when I saw Gemmy start to toss and stir in her sleep..

 I climbed on the roof after hearing the sound of a guitar and the loveliest voice to ever touch my ears. “Niall?” I called to him quietly and the sound of the music stopped along with his voice, he turns to look at me over his shoulder.

 “Hey” he smiled.

 “What are you doing up here?” I asked as I took a seat beside him, careful not to look down..

 “Well I was just waiting for the sunrise.. but now your here” he trailed off and I lowered my gaze.. oh, does he not want me here?

I can leave if-”

You brighten up my day way more than the sun ever could” he interrupted and I felt my cheeks flame.

 “W-what?” I stuttered as his blue eyes mirrored mine.

 “I love you” he whispered as he reached for my hand, and I felt my heart start to race.

 “No.. you can't.. We only just met..” As much as I loved to hear those words come out of his mouth, I knew this couldn't be true..

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