2: You can see me?

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Okay so just like the last chapter this is going to be both Niall and Gemmy's pov bc it's easier that way.. So Niall is in bold and Gemmy regular k? Btw the whole story is technically in Niall's pov so yeah enjoy x


I sat in every place in this room just watching Gemmy sleep, I went through some her things just to see the types of hobbies she's in to, I stumbled upon a guitar case but I wasn't able to take a look at it without making so much noise so I guess I'll have to wait until she wakes up and goes out or something. What really caught my attention was this journal she laid out on my fathers old desk. It was filled with poems and short stories, and they're beyond beautiful. Each one tells a different story, and although most are happy there was this one that wasn't it was really sad. It's called Lost...

As I stare at her motionless in a deep slumber, it makes me wonder how someone like her could ever feel sad. She looks so happy filled with life, and it just seems like the 'sad' emotion is something she's not capable of having. The poem went like, She laughed, she smiled, she never worried. What was there to worry about when she was so happy? She never fit in, but that never stopped her. She was different, but that's why her family loves her. But even when she smiles, even when she laughs, she did worry. She worried about her start, she can't remember. She was missing a piece of the puzzle, she knew it was missing but she didn't know where to start looking. In her dreams, in her stories, she was and remains lost.. It's a story but Its so short yet it holds so much meaning. My heart aches to imagine her ever feeling so sad, and literally lost like she wrote in her journal. I mean it's obvious she's talking about herself. I wish I could get to know her, just talk to her... But that's something that will never happen..

I got up and went back to sit on the window seat, the sun was beginning to rise. Colors of orange, yellow, and pink kissed the horizon and spilled over across the trees and houses. It was a beautiful sight, but not as beautiful as her.. I watched as the sun rised half way before going back to watching her, her hair was in a messy bun and she never bothered to get out of the clothes she arrived in, well just the shorts. She went into the bathroom to change into a grey t-shirt. I wanted so badly to go sit beside her and tuck the stray strands out of her face, that made their way loose of her hairband. I don't know how long it was now but the sun was pouring in already and she had begun to stir awake. Her eyes opened slightly but she screwed them shut again, they hadn't adjusted to the bright light. A smile spread across my features as she turned her face away from the light but all with a smile. Everything she does is with a smile... which makes it so hard to believe she wrote such a sad story..

She stretched and sat up looking a little confused that she was covered in a light blanket. Perched in my usual window seat I brought my knees to my chest and I watched her get out of bed to make her way to the bathroom. She's lucky, I was the one who forced my dad to install a proper bathroom in my room, I wasn't going to go to the second landing to have my shower and get my business done.. I let a small laugh escape my lips just as she closed the door.

I rubbed my eyes after closing the door behind me, I was still wearing the shorts I had on yesterday. Wow I was so tired I didn't even bother to change them.. despite my shorts I had the best nights sleep ever, plus the sound of the birds outside and the bright sunlight waking me up.. ugh it's amazing.. The strangest part of last night besides not breaking my neck with a fall down the stairs.. was this dream I had, it makes no sense when I think about it. All I remember was being in a lightly dimmed room I was in my outfit from yesterday and I was in the middle of this room with a single spotlight on me.. Then from behind me a pair of hands twirled me around and It happened so fast I only saw a flash of what I imagine must have been blue eyes, like mine.. before he, yeah I say he because I wrapped my arms around his neck and he felt strong and I dunno who it was but I felt safe and we just danced to no music at all. Then the bright light of the sun woke me up, it was the strangest thing ever. The only clue I have are the two orbs starring back at me in this mirror. His eyes were as blue as mine, maybe even more.. It was unexplainable, this is going to go in my journal as a story, I mean technically it did happen right?

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