9: Revelations

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I watch Gemmy wave to me as she begins to make her way to school, we talked for hours until her parents got home yesterday. She told me all about how she had made a bunch of fake friends and among those fake friends was Hollie.. I had to hold back my comments about her and how I knew her sister.. She looks just like her it's really scary, her sister Jamie was the girl I “Dated” back in high-school. The one who made it a bet to date me.. the same Jamie who actually shed a tear at my funeral. But what really got to me was when she mentioned Nick.. I can tell she was apprehensive in telling me, maybe she thought I'd get jealous? But she has no real motive to think that unless she actually feels something for me.. And I know for a fact she doesn't. The way she described how her introduction with Nick went surprised me.. It sounds nothing like the best friend I once knew and loved like a brother.. The Nick I knew was a fun loving all around nice guy, he would never treat a girl the way he treated Gemmy and for a second it made me want to go after him.. Because Gemmy doesn't deserve to be treated that way.. This Nick she described seems so angry and frustrated, and I can't help but wonder if it's because I well died.. Get over yourself.. It can't be just about me.. Maybe he's being bullied? I mean I guess the both of us were sort of loners.. But I always thought I held Nick back in that sense, he always wanted to try out for after school things and I was always the one two shoot him down about it. I always thought he had potential in having real friends, not like me.. I ruined everything with my My dad died so i'm allowed to hate the world attitude.. I hope today she actually manages to have a proper conversation with him.. If he's still the same old Nick I know deep down, than there's hope.

So this what you do all day? Sit and wait for Gemmy to come home?” My dad's voice sounds all too quietly throughout the room. I turn to face him, “Pretty much” I sigh looking down at the floor and then back out the window where Gemmy is far away enough that she looks like a small speck. I would bombard my dad with all the questions he left me with after saying Gemmy and I needed one another.. I know he won't be able to elaborate more I just wish I knew why that is.. But I have a feeling if I ask I won't get an answer. “How long has it been since you've left this house?” He takes a seat on the far side of the window seat. “A year” I shrug, hugging my knees to my chest. I feel like such an adolescent, love struck by a girl I can't have, and most likely doesn't want me, and not being able to really live.. It's like high-school all over again.. except i'm actually dead.

That's a year too long Niall..” my dad breaks through my thoughts

Yeah well I have nowhere else to go” I sigh and rest my chin on my forearm. “C'mon” he stands and pulls lightly on the sleeve of my shirt. “Where?” I look up at him confused, “Out” he states simply and start to head down the stairs. I don't know why but I end up following him, maybe he can't tell me the things he wants to say but he can sure show me? At least I hope so..

I tried my best at avoiding Hollie and her clones but it was no use she found me every time I thought I was safe.. “Gemmy are you even listening?” Hollie brings me back from my thoughts, actually I wasn't even thinking anything I had just found a way to phase Hollie out and her mindless talk about shopping, hot guys, and makeup.. Seriously there's a lot more to life than all those material things.. Like being able to talk to the dead.. My subconscious purrs and I ignore it, I am not normal.. I mean I always knew I wasn't there is just something that makes me think differently about everything, sort of like I have an outside point of view of my own life.. I can see things others don't like Niall, and I guess I am unique in a sense but I don't try to be. Not like Hollie or her clones, I am naturally like this.. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that I feel like I don't know where I come from, yes I know the first year of my life is probably meaningless anyway I mean I was an infant.. But I feel like there's so much more to it than just that.. “Gemmy!” Hollie interrupts my thoughts yet again, “Huh? Oh sorry I was um-”

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