3: Enchanted

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"I'm sorry I didn't believe you.." Gemmy sat down beside me "It's fine.." I felt a little guilty for not really paying any attention to her. I guess I should be happy that I have someone to talk to now.. especially if it's her.. But I can't help thinking there's a catch to this privilege besides not being able to feel her touch. "I can't believe this is happening.. I mean I never believed.." she stopped noticing I wasn't really paying attention.

"Are you okay?" she asks when I don't reply, and I have to push the negatives thoughts out of my mind. I should be happy I have the chance to talk to her, since I laid eyes on her I wanted so badly for her to hear me.. I wanted to know her, and now I have the chance..

"Yeah sorry.. It's just crazy I haven't spoken to anyone in a long time..." I force a smile, and her eyes travel up my figure taking me in until her ocean blue eyes meet mine, are they as blue as mine?

"Yeah I'm still trying to pinch myself to make sure I'm not still asleep and this is all a dream.." She laughs slightly, and it's the most amazing sound to ever fill my ears..

"I can't say I've ever spoken to a ghost before.." she adds.

"Get used to it" I smirk trying to lighten the mood mostly for my benefit.. "Hah.. what I don't get is why I can't um feel you.." She clears her throat and stands up.. "Sorry that sounded wrong" she giggle nervously, and I can't help the smile come across my features. "I don't either but I can't complain much.. I'm just glad to have someone living to talk to.." I stand before her and look down at her, she's just an inch shorter than I am.

Niall stands in front of me, looking down his height just slightly towering over me. He's not much taller than me and it makes me feel a little self conscious because I've always wanted a guy taller than me. But it's not like Niall is that guy so.. I shake my head and laugh at myself what am I worrying about height difference for I barely can wrap my mind around the fact that I'm able to talk to Niall.. a ghost.. I find the term ghost to sound really strange but I don't know what else to call him.. Just Niall.. I have so many questions to ask him but I'm sure this is just as overwhelming to him as it is to me and the most curious question I have to ask would surely make this awkward..

"Gemmy! Why don't you answer your phone?!" I hear my moms heels coming up the stairs and I panic.. Will she be able to see Niall? "Oh my god.. um" Niall looks back towards the steps and we freeze when my mom makes it to the top. "Gemmy do you not hear me? Ugh what is your phone doing on the floor?" She bends to pick it up before actually looking in our direction. She looks at me as I turn to look at Niall, "Gemmy, what's wrong?" she asks coming over to me, and she places a hand on my forehead. She can't see him.. Niall watches as the whole scene in front of him plays out, he sighs almost looking disappointed.. "You look like you've seen a ghost or something.." my mom's brows furrow in concern. "You don't seem to have a fever.. Gemmy talk to me.."

"Huh sorry I just got up a few minutes ago.." I lie stepping out of her reach and my eyes move to Niall who took a seat on my bed. "You don't usually sleep in so late.. But no matter, why was your phone on the floor? Look it's cracked.." She sighs not looking forward to replace it i'm sure.

"Oh I saw a bug and my phone just flew out of my hand" I laugh slightly. "How was work?" I ask trying to change the topic. I know once she goes off about work she won't bother to even let you have a word in.. "Oh it was great! The studio is huge and the crew is so nice! You should come by to meet them! Greg, the news anchor has a son who will be going to your new high school" She winks at the mention of her friend Greg's son.. I notice Niall clear his throat and I smile at my mom. "Anyway I have to be getting back I just came to see how you were.. since you weren't picking up your phone" she gives me that look i'm sure all moms must have..

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