16: Turn Your Face

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This chapter was inspired by Turn Your Face by Little Mix :x hehe if you listen to it while reading you will cry I know I almost did.. You'll know when to start listening to it aha. I tried to move forward with the development cause I understands it unraveling slow, I didn't want to make this story so short but it looks like it might be :/ anyway enjoy! :D 


“This town hasn't changed much since i've been here” My aunt sighs in reflection of her past here over dinner. “Well I wouldn't know about that, but we all seem to like it. It's a big change from the rural surroundings of the city” My mother esteems, she was always nagging about how crowded the city was and having to take public transportation to get to work. Cause let's be real, trying to drive in the city is impossible.

“Yeah it is quiet, not much ever happens around here..” My aunt looks to her son Spencer, and down at her plate of half eaten food. I can only imagine she's thinking about the accident that almost took her away from him. She never wanted to talk much about it, just sort of brushed it off. Of course we never pushed for details either. We just got over it much like she did, or so we think.

I look to my right at Niall who takes my hand under the table. I give him a questioning look, he's been acting funny ever since my aunt got here and it's killing me to find out what's bothering him. “Anyway how's mom?” my mother questions and my aunts face just lights up, of course she the younger one so she gets spoiled by my gramma Heather. “She's great, she misses you all so much. Especially Gemmy” she beams at me and I smile warmly, I miss her so much. She's like my best friend, ha leave it to me to have my gramma be my only best friend. “She's actually been having dreams about you isn't that strange?” My aunt Gene inquires.

“What kind of dreams?” I laugh.

“Oh you know the usual, she thinks she's some kind of prophet” she shrugs and takes a sip from her wine glass. “Oh mom is so full of it. Once she told me she had a dream? No it was a feeling about me winning the lottery or something and I foolishly believed it. I think I spent about thousands of dollars that following year in lotto tickets” my mother sighs a laugh placing a hand on her forehead. I bet she regrets that now, she's always looking to save even if we have more than enough money in the bank. That's what I admire about her, she's not the type to flaunt her money, and if ever asked for a dollar she'd never deny anyone of it either. “I remember you even had me giving you my allowance!” My aunt gives her the 'I hated you for that but damn isn't it funny now?' look. “Oh shut up it was only ever a dollar!” My mother rolls her eyes and finishes her glass of wine.

“Has she ver been right about any of her dreams or uh feelings?” I dare ask as I casually take some more win for myself. My aunt Gene and mom share a knowing look as I wait watching over the rim of the glass that just touches the bridge of my nose.

“She was, only once I believe” My aunt smirks never taking her eyes from my mother. “really? What was it?” I press.

“Well she dreamt that one day i'd be a mother.. and well it came true” My mom shrugs her eyes glossing as she looks at me.

“Oh c'mon every mom says that to their daughters, it's always bound to happen” I roll my eyes and realize Niall has long since left my side. How did I not manage to feel his hand leaving mine?

“Well yeah but this was really weird she told me just a few days before you showed up”

“Actually I think it was even the day before your mother found y-” my mother interrupts my aunt Gene

“Before I found out!” she half shrieks and they share another knowing look. My curiosity is peeked but honestly the two glasses of wine i've downed have my head in a daze, and I want to go see what's going on with Niall..

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