17: Roger Rabbit

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I sit hugging my knees to my chest, in the spot usually taken by him.. I can just barely open my eyes, through the swelling from all the crying. I haven't had a wink of sleep, thinking about all the ways last night could have gone. Why did he run? He pushed me away, I never once said I would leave him. In fact, I promised him I wouldn't.

I don't know what hurts more, the fact that he doesn't want to open up to me, or the fact that he thinks so little of me, that he would think I'd actually walk away when the going gets tough.. Like he did. He has many faults, but that's okay because no ones perfect. I'm sure as hell aren't, there are so many things I wish I could just shut out. Much like Niall does or tries to do. 

“Gemmy, your mom and I are going out you wanna join us” my aunts voice startles me and I hit my head against the wall.

 “You alright there babe?” she laughs as she walks up the last steps and into my room.

 “Yeah just um-”

“Have you been crying?” she interrupts as I wipe my sore eyes for the thousandth time. My skin is so irritated that the motion makes them sting.. “No um I just have allergies” I rush the lie, and she comes over to me and helps me up to examine my face.

“Your a horrible liar, especially with the evidence right in front of me” she grips my chin between her neatly polished index finger and thumb. I lower my gaze from hers in shame, i'm not even gonna try to keep lying. Well about the obvious that is.. 

“What's wrong Gem?” she signs and runs her hands up and down my arms in a comforting motion.

“Gemmy..” she presses for an explanation.

“Um nothing just teen angst or something” I shrug her hands off and side step past her.

“Oh no you don't” she grabs my wrist and makes me face her once more. “I've been there and done that sweetie, this is over some boy isn't it?” she lets go and crosses her arms over her chest. Of course she would be dead on, she's not much older than me.. She's in her late twenties. But how do I say, 'Yeah aunt Gene, I was crying cause the guy I happen to really like broke up with me? Oh yeah and he's like dead'

“No it's nothing really, i'll get over it” I force a smile. She raises a neatly waxed brow at me giving me a knowing look and sighs, “Fine, we'll talk later”

“So where are we going?” I ask trying to change the mood and maybe even try to have some fun today. Anything would be better than staying in this room all day.. moping. “The town Diner for some breakfast and then maybe a little shopping” she beams, and I laugh there's not a decent place to shop around here she should know that she lived here for almost a year.

“Don't give me that face I know the shopping here is practically non existent, but...” she tucks my hair behind my ear.

“I know of a mall not too far of a drive from this tiny town” she grins and the thought instantly brightens my mood. I like shopping online for clothes but this is a much needed adventure. “Sounds fun. I'll be down in thirty minutes” I smile an actual smile, for a split second forgetting about the night before.


“Are you sure your alright?” my mom asks as we walk in to the not so empty diner. I guess everyone was in the mood to go out for breakfast today. “Yeah i'm just tired” I sigh, the oldest lie in the book and she seems to notice but doesn't push it. Typical. My mom and I have a good relationship I guess, but it doesn't really involve much feelings or the sharing of them. Same goes with my dad, and it's always bothered me in the back of my mind. Cause although things are good, they're just never right.

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