6: Falling for you

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After my dad helped me clean up the kitchen a little I rushed upstairs, leaving him to get ready for work. He starts officially today at his new publishing firm, well it's not his per-say but he was transferred there. He's an accountant and boy is he good with numbers.

I have no idea what happened down there with Niall. Yes you do.. He was beyond the point of flirting with you.. My subconscious is usually always right but right now I wish she wasn't. He couldn't have been flirting with me, this has to be my mind playing tricks once more. It's because of that stupid dream I had, he doesn't like me. More importantly I can't like him, I won't let myself. There are so many things that get in the way, like the most obvious being he's well, not alive.. Even if I would consider it he can't even touch me, oh my god did I just seriously consider that? This is crazy.. I mean I don't even know anything about him except that's he's a ghost and this was originally his home. Yet I feel like none of that matters, I feel drawn to him for some reason. At first when I first saw him in my room I was freaking out, but now that I really think about it, it wasn't because he was some stranger in my house. Well his house.. But the fact that something within me told me I wasn't supposed to be afraid of him. Because I wasn't, and that's what freaked me out... My heart was saying 'don't be afraid' but my brain was telling me to freak out because he was an intruder.. I need to keep my heart out of this, with this strange new gift I had no idea I possessed. I still don't know how I can see him or why I feel like I can trust him. For now I just need to focus on figuring this all out.

I sighed before quickly climbing the stairs to my room, I don't even know what I'm going to say to him. I just know I need to make sure he's okay, after seeing the look on his face after I ran straight through him. "Niall?" He came into view as I finished my climb and stood at the top of the stairs, his back was to me as he stared out the bay window. I scanned over my room and saw that the boxes I was meaning to put away were thrown all around the room.. Did he do that? Why?

"Niall are you okay?" My voice barely a whisper and he finally turned around, his eyes held a sadness that could not be fixed with words. But I have to try... I was worried I'd find him like this, "I'm doing great Gemmy, never better" his sarcastic tone threw me off, because his eyes spoke something different. "You don't have to talk to me like that.. I was just-"

"Save it, I'm fine I don't need your pity" he scoffed and sat down staring out the window like he usually does. What's his problem? I'm only trying to make sure he's okay.. "I don't think your okay" my voice comes out a little harsher because his attitude was making me angry, if anything I should be angry what the hell was that about downstairs? He made me feel uncomfortable, it wasn't appropriate.. But you loved every second of it I ignored my subconscious and walked over to where he sat so I stood right in front of him. "Yeah well don't think" his voice came out in a monotone, any trace of sarcasm or anger or any emotion really, was gone. It tugged at my heart, and the anger or frustration I was feeling slowly disappeared. "No. I think you want to talk about it" I took a seat beside him with my hands in my lap, the sun was shining down on us at full force now.

As I stared out the window Gemmy took a seat beside me, I found it within myself to stop being such a jerk to her. It's just that I feel any second she's going to tell me off and tell me to leave her alone, and that's something I can't let happen. I won't be able to leave her alone, I'm in too deep now. I can maintain my feelings at bay and never let anything like what happened downstairs happen again. But I won't be able to leave her alone.. "I don't" I sighed, I don't want to say the wrong thing and make my fears come to life. "Niall.." her voice was soft like velvet and it held such a pleading tone, I couldn't keep from looking at her. As soon as I did I was captivated by the way the sun was lighting up her face and her hair looked like it was glowing, her blue eyes looked as clear as day in the light, and it took my breath away..

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