Chapter Four

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Rachel's POV
It's been a month since Matt and I moved to Jefferson. Brantley had a cookout a couple weeks ago and invited Matt and I. Matt didn't want to go but he told me if I wanted to go then I could. I went just to be social. I needed more friends here. I get cabin fever pretty easily so having some friends to do things with is pretty great. The night of the cookout was the first night it happened. It was the first night I finally realized Matt was no longer who I thought he was.

(2 weeks ago)
"Matt, baby, I'm home!" I yell when I walk in the house. "It's about fucking time! How many guys did you tongue while you were there?!" I hated when Matt got jealous. What has gotten into him? He's been jealous before but has never yelled or said anything like that to me before. The longer it took me to answer the more pissed off he got. "Answer me bitch!" He shouted as he slapped me across the face.

Ever since that night, the abuse has gotten worse. If I look at him wrong, he hits me. Last night I didn't have dinner cooked when he got home from work, he got so mad he shoved me to the floor and kicked me. Matt had to work today so I decided to call Brantley and see if he wanted to hangout. I just have to figure out how to hide these bruises.

Brantley's POV
"Hey sweet girl!" I said into the phone when Rachel called. "Hey Brant! Wanna hang out today?" "Sure honey!" I said a little too enthusiastic. After talking for a few minutes we decided to go to lunch and catch a movie. I got to her house to pick her up and she came running out before I got the truck in park. She was wearing those short Daisy Dukes, that would make any man drool, and her boots. She was wearing a long sleeved black shirt, which was odd for many reasons, but mainly it's the middle of July in Georgia. It's too hot for that shit! But she still looked beautiful as ever. "Hey sugar. You ready?" She nodded as she hopped in and off we went.

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