Chapter Sixteen

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Rachel's POV
(6 months later)
It's been about 6 months since Brantley proposed. We got married 2 months ago on October 23rd on Brantley's property surrounds by all the people we love. Right now I'm standing in our bathroom looking down at 3 pregnancy tests that read positive. I called and made a doctors appointment just to be absolutely sure. Brantley is out hunting with Jason and Luke and is clueless to what's going on. If I am pregnant I need to think of a creative way to tell him.

I get to the doctor's office and sign in and fill out all the paper work. I've been in the waiting room for about 15 minutes just watching all the girls with their baby bumps when I hear the nurse call my name and I get up and follow her to the exam room. She takes my blood pressure and temperature and makes me change into one of those hospital gowns. The doctor walks in about 5 minutes later and starts asking how I'm feeling and all sorts of other questions. I feel like I'm taking my SATs. He tells me to lay back and starts the ultrasound. "Well Mrs. Gilbert, you are pregnant. About 6 weeks along I'd say." He tells me with a grin. My eyes fill with happy tears and the doctor tells me congratulations and walks out. I change out of the gown and head out to my truck. I decide to go to Walmart to get wrapping stuff for Brantley to open. I get a yellow and gray bag with gray tissue paper. I get a small box to put the tests in and walk to the baby section. I find a gender neutral onesie that says "Daddy's Little Rockstar" and head to the checkout.

After I get home, I manage to get everything wrapped and ready right as Brantley walks in the door. He comes into the bedroom and walks over to me and kisses me. "I'm gonna shower real quick then we can order dinner and watch movies." He says walking towards the bathroom. I change into my yoga pants and Brantley's Georgia Bulldogs shirt and throw my hair into a messy bun. I set the bag on the bed and wait for Brantley to come in. He walks into the room and sees the bag and looks at me confused. "I got you something baby." I say handing him the bag as he sits down. My heart is pounding out of my chest as Brantley pulls the tissues paper out. He pulls out the box and opens it and then looks at me with an unreadable expression.

Brantley's POV

Holy shit!!! We are having a baby! I'm looking down at the tests in one hand, the picture in the other hand, and the onesie on my knee, and I just can't believe it. I look up at my beautiful wife and a smile slowly comes across my face. "I'm gonna be a dad." I tell her excitedly. "I'm gonna be a mommy." She says hugging me. I grab the sides of her face and kiss her passionately. I have everything that I've always wanted. I have my dream job, an amazing wife and the woman of my dreams, and I have a baby on the way. Life couldn't get any better. We decided to wait a while before we started telling everyone. We just want to enjoy it for a bit before we get the excitement of everyone else. Tonight, I am cuddled up on the couch with Rachel asleep in my lap and my hand resting on her still flat belly. I love my life.

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