Chapter Eleven

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Rachel's POV
I wake up this morning and roll over in bed expecting to see Brantley next to me but his side of the bed is empty. I get out of bed and put on my shorts and go look for Brantley. I find him sitting on the couch at the front of the bus watching Sons of Anarchy. "You left me in bed all alone baby." I say curling up in his lap. "I'm sorry angel. I couldn't sleep and didn't wanna wake you." He told me wrapping his arms around me and kissing my lips. He pulled away much too soon for my liking so I grabbed his face and pulled him back to me and kissed him long and hard. He moaned in response and put his arms around me tighter. After making out for a bit, we finally pulled away to breathe. This man can take my breath away just looking at me. I want so bad to tell him I love him but I don't want to scare him away.

Brantley's show in Dallas isn't until tomorrow night so we decided to go out tonight. Brantley won't tell me where we are going, he just told me to dress nice. I went to my bag and pulled out my gray dress. It's low cut, but not enough to slutty, and stops about mid thigh. I curled my hair and pulled it back a little and did my makeup. I put my heels on and walked out of the bedroom. I see Brantley standing in the living room area on the phone with his back to me. He's wearing a black button up shirt and his dark jeans. He had his rings on but not his chains or his hat. He looked so handsome. When Brantley hung up the phone he turned around to look at me. His jaw dropped and his eyes got wide. "You look absolutely gorgeous baby girl." He says walking towards me. "You don't look too bad yourself." I tell him smiling and kissing him. Brantley takes my hand and leads me out to the truck.

We drive for about 30 minutes when Brantley pulls up to this park with a gazebo right in the middle of it. Brantley gets out of the truck and comes around to my side and helps me out of the truck. He takes my hand and walks me over to the gazebo that is decorated with white Christmas lights and has a table set up with food on it. "Baby, this is amazing! Thank you." I tell Brantley wrapping my arms around him. We sat down at the table and ate our dinner and made small talk. As we sit at the table I'm giving myself a pep talk. I'm just gonna be brave and tell him how I feel. It's time. I move over to his side of the table and he puts his arm around me and kisses my head. "Brantley, I love you." I just blurt out. I look down at my hands and wait for an answer.

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