Chapter Twenty-one (Final Chapter)

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Rachel's POV

Hadleigh is now a year old and is starting to talk. Brantley released his album Just As I Am and has been on tour for the last few months. He's coming home today and I can't wait. We both agreed that being on the road with a baby was too much right now. Hadleigh and I will go next time. Hadleigh is sitting in her high chair finishing breakfast as I'm unloading the dishwasher. As I'm putting the last cup in the cabinet I hear Brantley's bus pull up outside. "Daddy's home!" I say excitedly as I get Hadleigh out of her high chair and head outside.

Standing on the porch, I watch as Brantley walks off the bus with his bags. I run off the porch and start running across the yard. Brantley drops his bags just in time to wrap me in his arms. "Hi baby girl. I missed you." Brantley says as he kisses me. "We missed you too baby." I tell him returning the kiss. Hadleigh starts reaching out for her daddy and he wastes no time scooping her up. "There's my precious angel!" He says lightly tosses her in the air and causing her to have a laughing fit. It already feels so good to have him home and we haven't even made it in the house yet. Brantley holds Hadleigh in one arm and carries one of his bags in the other. I grab his other bag and follow him inside to help him unpack. "Since you just got home, what do you wanna do today baby?" I ask Brantley as we are unpacking his bags. "It's a nice day out . We can take Hadleigh to the park for a while and then go to mama's for lunch." "That sounds like a good idea. Just let me get her changed and me changed and we can go." I say picking up our daughter and then kissing him before walking to Hadleigh's room. I put her in a white onesie and short overalls. I slide on her headband and put her white converse on and took her to Brantley so I could change. It's the middle of March but thankfully it's super warm so I decide to wear shorts and a tank top.

We arrive at the park and I get Hadleigh out of her car seat. Brantley and I each take one of her hands and let her walk in the middle of us. "Swing daddy!" She says holding her up for Brantley to put her in the swing. He looks so happy to be home. As he's pushing the swing, Hadleigh and him both are laughing. I love my little family so much. I never imagined myself marrying such an amazing man much less having the most precious and sweetest baby in the world. I literally couldn't ask for more. I'm truly blessed.

The End

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