Chapter Fifteen

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Brantley's POV
It's Rachel's 27th birthday today and we are headed to my mom's house for her party. I decided to do it at my mom's house because I flew Rachel's parents in from Texas as a surprise. She's been sick the last couple days so I couldn't have her parents come to the house without giving it away. When we pull into mama's driveway, mama comes outside to greet us. "Hey there my sweet babies. Everyone is waiting inside." She says as she hugs Rachel and I. We walked inside and went towards the living room where everyone was sitting around talking. Rachel walks in the room first and immediately sees her parents. She lets out an excited squeal, lets go of my hand, and runs straight into her dad's arms. "Hey Rach." Her dad says hugging her tight. "I've missed you daddy." She says as she pulls away to hug her mom. "I've missed you. I'm so happy that you and daddy are here mama." "We are happy to see you too baby." Her mom says kissing her cheek. Rachel comes back over to me and kisses me. "Thank you for this." "Anything for you angel." I tell her kissing her again lightly. Now it's time to get this party started.

Rachel's POV
Today is my birthday and I can't wait to see what Brant has planned. I've been sick the last couple days and I'm so ready to get out of the house for awhile. We are headed to Mama Becky's house for my party that Brantley planned. We arrive at the party and and Mama Becky comes out and greets us. We move inside and I make my way to the living room where everyone is waiting. I walk in the room and the first couple I see is my mama and daddy. I let go of Brantley's hand and run to hug my parents. I tell them how much I miss them and how happy I am to see them and then go hug my man for bringing them here.

The party is well under way and most guests have had quite a bit to drink. I see my dad and Brantley off to the side talking and I smile to myself. It makes me so happy that they get along so well. I go back to talking to my mom and Miranda, who Brantley just introduced me to, which I must admit I'm a little star struck right now. Brantley walks over to me and gets all the guests to quiet down. I just stand there and look at him confused. "Rachel, I love you so much. Ever since the day I first knocked on your door, I thought you were the most beautiful woman in the world. I'm so happy that I get to to call you mine. Will you do me a favor, right here in front of our family and friends, and make me the luckiest man in the world. Rachel Ann Adams, will you marry me?" Brantley asks as he gets down on one knee. "Yes baby yes!" I tell him excitedly throwing my arms around him and kissing him. I can't believe that I'm going to be Mrs. Gilbert.

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