Chapter Twelve

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Brantley's POV
"Brantley, I love you." I look down at her and she's looking down at her hands. I lift her chin up with my finger and place a kiss on her lips. "I love you too Rachel." She smiles really wide and hugs me tight. "Let's go back to the bus outlaw." She says with her sexy little smirk. "You got it baby." I tell her kissing her roughly. We walk to the truck and I help her in and gently grab her ass. She gets in the seat and grabs me by my collar and shoves her tongue down my throat. I pull away and jump in my side of the truck. I haul ass to the closest hotel, there is no way I can make it back to the bus. I need her now.

We pull into the hotel parking lot and Rachel looked at me confused. I growled and got out of the truck as she giggled. She knew what was going down. I got us a room and we ran to the elevator. As soon as the door closed I attacked her lips. I was running my hands all over her body and kissing her neck when we made it to our floor. We ran to the room and I opened the door. As soon as the door closed I was right back on her again. I unzipped her dress and watched it the floor. I eyed her beautiful body up and down and groaned at the sight. I picked her up and put her against the wall as she kissed me. She starts to unbutton my shirt one by one. I put her back on her feet and started walking her towards the bed. We finished stripping each other down and fell down on the bed making out. She flips over to where she is on top of me kissing my neck and running her hands all over me. She slides down my body and starts giving me the best blow job that I've ever had. My eyes rolled back in my head as I clutched the sheets and I knew I wasn't going to last much longer. I pulled her up to my face and kissed her as I flipped us back over. I stroked her a few times and then lined myself up at her entrance and slowly pushed inside her. She moaned and clawed at my back. We made love all night long. Before we finally fell asleep, I thought to myself "I'm gonna marry this woman."

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