Chapter Seventeen

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Rachel's POV
(4 months later)
We are finding out the sex of the baby tomorrow. Brantley is hoping for a boy because he wants a boy first so he can watch out for that we will have later on. I'm fine with either one. I just want a healthy baby. We told our families about the pregnancy about 3 weeks ago. Mama Becky was so excited. She can't wait for her first grand baby. Brantley's brother Kolby is pretty excited to be an uncle. My parents are beyond happy. My mom wants to be a Nana and my dad wants to be a PopPop. Mama Becky decided that she will be called whatever the baby decides. Miranda, Jason's wife Brittany, and Luke's wife Caroline decided to throw us a gender reveal party Friday night so Mama Becky is going with us tomorrow so she can tell the girls and so she can make sure I don't try and find out myself. It's going to be hard, but I'll wait until Friday.

Right now, Brantley and I are flipping through a book of baby names. We want to be able to tell everyone the name we picked out when we find out what we're having. "What about Hadleigh Faith for a girl?" I ask Brantley with a curious look. He sits there for a second and thinks about it. "I actually really like that baby." He finally says with a smile. He keeps looking through the book trying to find a name for a boy. "How about Hunter Ray for a boy?" He asks with his nose kind of scrunched up. I sit there and think about it and repeat the name to myself. "I absolutely love it!" I say excitedly as I wrap my arms around him and kiss him. Brantley returns the kiss and closes the book. "Let's call and order a pizza for dinner." He suggests. "Sounds like a plan to me." I tell him picking up my phone my phone to call the pizza place. After the pizza is ordered, Brantley and I go and change into more comfortable clothes. I put on one of Brantley's Harley Davidson shirts and my gray yoga pants with my hair in a messy ponytail. Brantley puts on his black sweats and his WWP shirt and we both walk down the stairs. Once the pizza guy shows up Brantley pays him and then he sets the pizza on the coffee table and we start watching reruns of The Big Bang Theory.

(The Next Day)
We wake up to my alarm going off at 9am. "Come on baby. My appointment is at 10:30 so we need to get moving. And we still need to pick up your mom." I tell Brantley kissing his chest. "Baby girl, if you keep doing that we won't make it to the appointment." He tells me pulling my face to his to kiss me. After our little make out session we finally got up and got dressed. About 10am we walked out to the truck and headed toward Mama Becky's house and to see what our little peanut is gonna be.

We all waited in the waiting room for about 15 minutes when the nurse comes and calls us back. She does everything she needs to do and walks out. Brantley looks nervous and uncomfortable sitting here with me. Mama Becky and I are laughing at him. This is the first appointment he's been able to come to. The doctor finally walked in and started asking how I was feeling. We told him that we wanted to know the sex but to only tell Mama Becky. I pull my shirt up and he squeezes the cold gel onto my baby bump. As he's moving the wand around he stops to write something down on a piece of paper. He hands it to Mama Becky and wipes off my belly. She looks at the paper and gets really excited. I can't wait til Friday.

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