Chapter Six

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(2 weeks later)

Rachel's POV
It's been a couple weeks since I ended things with Matt. He got so angry when I told him I didn't want to be with him anymore. I've never seen him act that way. He started hitting me and throwing things. I don't really remember much after he threw me into the wall. I can only remember bits and pieces. I remember Brantley storming through the door as Matt was sitting on me and choking me. Brantley yanked him off me and started swinging. I grabbed my phone and called 911. The police showed up and Matt was arrested. Last I heard he was still in jail. They tired to put B in cuffs but after I explained what happened, they let him go.

Brantley calls me to check on me every couple hours. He left a few days ago to do a few shows in Nashville. While he's been gone, he as been sweet enough to let me stay at his house until I find an apartment. Him and I are growing closer, especially since I started staying here. We flirt back and forth all the time. Sometimes I catch him stealing little glances at me. I would love to start a relationship with Brantley, but I can't help but think it's too soon. Or maybe I'm completely wrong and he's just being friendly because he feels sorry for me. "No, he wouldn't do that would he? He's not that kind of guy." I thought to myself.

I'm in Brantley's kitchen making something for lunch when I hear the front door open. "Rach, I'm home!" Brantley yells as he closes the door. I dart out of the kitchen and straight into his arms. At least he was paying attention or we would have hit the ground. "I missed you B." I tell him honestly. "I missed you too." He says kissing my forehead. I pull out of the hug and go back in the kitchen to finish lunch. We eat our sandwiches and decide to relax on the couch and watch Netflix. I went upstairs to put on my sweats and a baggy t-shirt as Brant picked a movie. After I changed, I curled up on the couch and snuggled into B's side as the movie started. He had, of course, picked a motorcycle movie. Beyond the Law with Charlie Sheen. "I don't want you to find your own place." Brantley said suddenly. "I wanted to see if maybe you wanted to start something with us." I was speechless. I looked up at him as a huge smile spread across my face. The only think I knew to do, or should I say the only thing I wanted to do was kiss him. So I did.

That one simple kiss turned into a heated make out session. "Does that answer your question Mr. Gilbert?" I asked with a smirk. "Why yes it does Miss Wills." He said capturing my lips into another kiss. Brantley pulled away and kissed my forehead then we continued watching the movie. When the movie was over I told Brantley I was going to bed. He was following behind me and as I went to walk into my room he lightly pulled my arm and told me I was sleeping in his bed.

The next morning, I wake up and instantly have a smile on my face. Brantley's arm is lightly around my waist and his face his nuzzled in my neck. I managed to lift his arm and slide outta bed without waking him. I did my morning routine and got dressed in a long sleeved white shirt and jeans and decided to go to Starbucks. I left Brantley a note, grabbed my keys, and walked out to my Tahoe. I got to Starbucks and got me a frozen coffee and Brant just a plain black coffee. I get back to the house and set my keys and purse on the table in the entry way. I walk into B's room and he's still sleeping. I take off my jeans and crawl on the bed and start to wake Brantley up. "Good morning handsome. I got coffee." I say while kissing his lips, then his cheek, then I place a gentle one on his neck. He groans and slowly opens his eyes. "Good morning baby girl." He says with that sexy sleepy grin.

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