Chapter Nineteen

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Rachel's POV
It's the beginning of September and my due date is quickly approaching. Brantley has made sure that he has time off for the next few months so that he can stay with Hadleigh and I. He just has to do some studio sessions for his new album. As of right now, Brantley and I are out walking around our property trying to induce labor. He's so supportive and helpful right now and I know that I'm not easy to get along with at the moment. My belly sticks out so far and I feel like a beached whale. I'm so miserable. I just hope that Miss Hadleigh decides to come on time. I don't think I could make it if she was late. "How you holding up baby?" Brantley asks as we are walking up the steps to the back porch. "I'm ok baby. My feet hurt and are swollen but I'm ok." I tell home with a smile. After our walk, Brantley helps me up the stairs and into our bedroom. He walks into the bathroom and runs me a luke warm bath. I strip off my clothes and sink into the tub. Brantley kneels down next to the tub and starts rubbing my shoulders . I literally have the most amazing husband in the world.

I wake up at 1:30 in the morning with a very sharp pain in my stomach. After it subsides, I get up to go to the bathroom. As soon as I shut the door I hear a pop and then feel a hush down my leg. "Brantley! Wake up!" I yell as I hunch over in pain. A still half asleep Brantley runs into the bathroom "What's wrong?!" He asks in a panic. "My water broke. It's time to go." I tell him as calmly as I can. I walk back into the room to change into dry clothes as Brantley throws on a shirt and grabs the hospital bag and our phones. As we get down the stairs and to the front door, Brantley stops me and kisses me. "Let's go have us a baby." He says with a grin. "In a few hours we will officially be parents." I say grabbing his hand and walking out to my Tahoe.

We made it to the hospital in record time. They already have is checked into my room and told me that I'm at 6cm. It's still going to be awhile. It's 2:30 in the morning so Brantley decided to wait a bit before he starts calling family. I'm trying to get some sleep but these contractions are killing me and make it literally impossible. "How you doin' baby girl?" Brantley asks me rubbing my back. "I'm ok. Just in a lot of pain." I tell him as another contraction hits full force. The nurse comes in to check me again and I'm still at a 6. I ask her about getting the epidural and she tells me that she will call the specialist in. Maybe after that I can get some sleep.

It's now 7am and I got about 3 hours of sleep. I now have a new nurse due to shift change. She comes in to check me and now I'm at 8cm. "Babe, how about you go ahead and call everyone." I say as more of a statement than a question. "Ok baby. I'll be in the hall if you need me." He says kissing my head and grabbing his phone. Brantley walks out and I lay my head back and close my eyes. The epidural has eased the pain quite a bit so I'm trying to rest before things get chaotic. Brantley walks back in and says that his mom and my parents will be here soon. Since my due date was so close my mom and dad came to Jefferson for a couple weeks until the baby is born. They are eager to meet their grand daughter.

It's been a few hours and everyone is here. We are all in the room talking when the nurse walks in to check me again. She tells me I'm at 10cm and leaves to get the doctor. It's time to push. Everyone has gone to wait in the waiting room and Brantley is standing next to me holding my hand. After about an hour, and what felt like a million pushes later, our baby girl is here. Hadleigh Faith Gilbert was born on September 3rd at 11:30am weighing 6lbs 9oz and is 19in long. As I sit in bed I look over towards the chair where my husband is sitting with our daughter and I can't help but feel completely blessed.

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