Chapter Twenty

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Brantley's POV

It's been a few days since we brought Hadleigh home from the hospital. Poor Rachel is so tired. Tonight I decided to wake up with the baby so she could get a little more sleep. It's 4:15 in the morning and I hear Hadleigh starting to fuss in her bed in our room. Rachel starts to get up but I tell her that I'll get up and for her to go back to bed. I walk over and scoop Hadleigh up into my arms and walk downstairs to the kitchen. I warm up her bottle and go sit in my recliner in the living room. I can't help but look down at my daughter and just be mesmerized. I never knew I could love someone so much. As Hadleigh is eating her bottle she starts to fall asleep in my arms and I can't help but smile down at her. She looks so much like her mama. She finished her bottle and I put her up on my shoulder to burp her and before long we are both asleep.

I wake up a couple hours later and Hadleigh is no longer on my chest. I hear some pans move around in the kitchen so I get up and walk into the kitchen to see what Rachel is up to. When I walk in I can't help the smile that comes across my face. I'm standing there watching my gorgeous wife holding our daughter swaying from side to side singing to her. She has such an amazing voice. She doesn't sing very often so when she does I soak it in. She's singing my song Fall Into Me and I swear she does it better than me. I sneak up behind her and wrap my arms around her. She jumps but then relaxes in my arms as we both continue singing the song. When we are done Rachel turns around and kisses me. I tell her good morning and return the kiss. I take the baby out of her arms and she starts cooking breakfast.

After breakfast, we get dressed and get Hadleigh buckled into her car seat and head out to the studio. Rachel is excited about coming with me and I couldn't wait to introduce all the boys to Hadleigh. They still can't believe that I have a baby. Just like myself, they all thought I'd never settle down. We finally arrive at the studio and I grab the baby's seat and hold Rachel's hand in my free hand. When we walk in Jeff, my manager, is the first to walk up and greet us. He gives me a man hug and then hugs Rachel. "Well who is this precious angel?" He asks kneeling down to look at Hadleigh. "This is Hadleigh Faith Gilbert." I tell him as the rest of the guys gather around to meet her. Rachel took the baby out of her seat and held her while I went inside the booth to cut my song. I would love if all my recording sessions could  be like this. I love my little family.

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