Chapter Eight

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Rachel's POV
The view at the pond is beautiful! The trees are everywhere and it's like they block you away from the world. And being wrapped in my man's arms is just icing on the cake. The kiss we just shared was amazing. It was so simple but had so much meaning behind it. The way he protected me from Matt earlier showed me that he will do anything for me. I didn't expect anything less from him but it's a good feeling. We are standing in front of the pond, my back to his chest, with his arms around me just listening to the birds chirp. "Baby, thank you for everything." I tell him as I turn around in his arms. "I've never had anyone stand up for me or protect me like you did." "You're my girl now. I will always protect you." He tells me kissing my nose. I smile up at him and kiss him gently on the lips. "Take me home outlaw." I tell him running my hands down his chest.

As soon as we make it back to the house, I'm right back to kissing Brantley. He couldn't get the door unlocked fast enough. Once he finally got the door opened he pulled me in the house. The second he closed the door I pushed him against it and shoved my tongue down his throat. The moan he let out was enough to make me weak in the knees. "Bedroom." Was all he said as he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. We made it upstairs without breaking the kiss and he carefully placed me on the bed. He started attacking my neck with kisses and clothes are being thrown all over the place. Once we are completely naked Brantley looks down at me with lust filled eyes. "You are beautiful and all mine." He whispers as he pushes himself into me. I moan and instantly wrap my legs around him. "All yours." I manage to say between kisses. I'm in total ecstasy as he moves in and out of me. His thrusts are getting quicker and harder, I grab his face and kiss him roughly biting his lip. "Baby, I'm close." I say as I move my hips to meet his with each thrust. Brantley and I finish at the same time with me screaming his name. Brantley rolls off of me and onto his back pulling me close. "Goodnight angel." He says falling asleep. "Goodnight handsome." I whisper falling into a deep sleep.

I wake up the next morning completely tangled up in the sheets with Brantley wrapped around me. "Baby, let me up. I need to pee." I say kissing his cheek. He groans and rolls over letting me up. I get up and walk into the bathroom closing the door. I finish my business and stand in front of the mirror. I start laughing at the sight of myself. I'm stark naked and my hair is a disaster. I open the bathroom door and see Brantley is now wide awake. "As much as I'm loving the view of my naked girlfriend, I'd like it if you came back to bed." He said smiling. I got back in bed and cuddled up to Brantley. We had been laying there for about 20 minutes when his phone rang. "Yeah man. I'll see you in 45." He said hanging up the phone. "I gotta get in the shower baby. They need me in the studio to finish a song." He gets out of bed and starts walking to the bathroom. I look over my shoulder with the sheet wrapped around me and say, "Can I join you baby?" "Come on girl." He says with a smirk. It's safe to say he will be late to the studio.

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