Chapter Five

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Brantley's POV
We arrived at the little dinner in town for lunch. I got out of the truck and ran around to open her door. Rachel wasn't acting like herself. She was being too quiet. "What's on your mind? You're being too quiet angel." I asked. "Brant, I need to tell you something. Please don't get mad." She pleaded. I tensed wondering what it was she was going to say. "Rach, you can tell me anything. But I'm not going to promise that I won't get mad 'til I know what is."

Rachel's POV
I took a deep breath as Brantley stared at me with curious eyes. "It's now or never." I thought to myself. "For the last month or so, Matt has gotten pretty abusive." I said as tears formed in my eyes. I saw Brant's fists clench as he tried to keep his temper in check. "I don't think he means to. He loves me." "How can you even defend him?!" Brantley said raising his voice a little. "He's been the man I love for 2 years! I can't just ignore that." I said getting defensive. The waitress walked up to bring us our food so we sat in awkward silence. "Rachel, I can't tell you what to do, but you don't deserve to be treated like that." I knew Brantley was right but what was I going to do? Where would I go? Looks like I'm going back to Bertram.

Brantley's POV
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. How can someone lay their hands on a woman as beautiful as her. On any woman for that matter. I'm so mad that my fists are clinched and I'm starting to shake. I look up at Rachel and she is just picking at her food. I can't even eat mine I'm so pissed. I patted her hand and went and paid the check. "Let's get outta here baby girl." I said grabbing her hand. We skipped the movie and decided to go to my house instead. As we are walking to the porch, Rachel stops in the middle of the yard. "I can't go in there B. He will kill me if I finds out I'm here and not at home cleaning or cooking." She starts sobbing and I pull her into my arms. "He's gonna have to go through me first. I promise I'm not going to let him hurt you. Not while I'm around." I told her soothingly and she slowly started to relax.

Rachel's POV
"I'm leaving him. I'm going to leave him and go back to Texas." I said breaking the silence as Brantley closed the front door. "I'm glad you're leaving him but why go back to Texas?" Brantley asked. "B, I can't afford to live on my own and be a full time student. At least in Bertram I have my parents." "Why don't you talk to Matt first and then we will go from there." Brantley said with a disappointed look. Truth is, I don't want to go back to Texas.

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