Chapter Three

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Rachel's POV
Holy shit!! Brantley Gilbert is standing on my front porch! "Come on Rachel, say something." I thought to myself. "Hi ma'am, I'm Brantley. I live down the road a ways." "Oh, I'm Rachel. I'm a big fan and I guess your new neighbor." I said with a slight laugh. Matt had finished his shower and came walking in and towards the door. "Who is he?" He asked rudely. "Baby this is Brantley Gilbert, our neighbor. Brantley this is my boyfriend Matt." "Nice to meet you." They both said.

Brantley's POV
Rachel is gorgeous so of course she has a man. After talking for a few minutes I told them if they needed anything to come on by my house. I couldn't help but get this weird vibe from Matt. He had his  arm around Rachel like he was stating his claim. I don't like that guy. Rachel invited me to stay for dinner but I honestly just wanted to get home to my bike and my dog.

Rachel's POV
I can't believe that Brantley is our neighbor. Matt was acting really strange while Brantley was here. He put his arm around me really tight. I swear I think it's going to leave bruises. Now he seemed pissed and I don't know why. "What's wrong baby?" I asked as I sat next to him on the couch. Right as he was about to answer the door bell rang. I paid for the pizza and put it on the table in front of the couch. I repeated my question and waited for an answer. "I don't like the way you looked at him. It was like he was the best thing you've ever seen." Matt said answering my question. "I was shocked he was at the door. I'm a huge fan of his music. I was fangirling. Nothing more."

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