Chapter Seven

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Brantley's POV
I wake up to my beautiful girl kissing me and handing me coffee. I can't believe that Rachel agreed to be with an outlaw like me after everything with Matt. The bruises have almost healed and she's as gorgeous as ever. I sit up to drink my coffee when I realize Rachel is in her underwear. "My God she is sexy." I think to myself. I'm happy she's confident enough for that. We sat in bed and finished our coffee and talked about what we wanted to do today. "I need to get the rest of my things from Matt's house." She said with a worried look. "Baby, I'll go with you and everything will be fine. He's still in jail anyway. It'll be fine." I told her pulling her close. She leaned in to kiss me, and it was full of so much passion. Nothing like what I experienced with Jana or Amber. I ran my tongue across her bottom lip begging for entrance, which she gladly accepted. She sat up and straddled me and my hands instantly went to her ass. When we pulled out of the kiss she kissed my nose and hopped of the bed. "Time to get ready babe. We got stuff to do today." She said while wiggling into her jeans. She is such a tease. Those tight jeans are gonna be the death of me.

After we got dressed, we got in the truck and headed to her old house. When we pulled into the driveway, Rachel's grip on my hand tightened. Poor girl was shaking. "Baby you ok?" I asked bringing her hand to my lips kissing her knuckles. "I can't go in there Brantley." She said, her voice breaking. "I know it's hard baby. I'm going to be right there with you." She turned to me and gave me a week smile. "Let's go get this done." She said reaching for the door. As we were gathering the last few boxes the front door opens. Rachel freezes and looks at me with wide eyes. She starts to walk over to me when we hear foot steps coming down the hall. I tell her to get behind me and she wastes no time doing what she's told. Matt hits the doorway of the bedroom with this evil smile on his face and all hell breaks lose. He lunges towards me and pushes me out of the way to get to Rachel. She has fear in her eyes as she's screaming and trying to get away. "I don't think so asshole!" I yell shoving Matt a good 3 feet back. I run towards him and shove him against the wall in a choke hold. He's trying his hardest to fight me off. "Run baby!" I yell to Rachel. She runs out the door crying. I'm seeing red at this point. This man hurt my baby girl. "You ever come near her again, I swear I WILL kill you." I growl at him. It took everything I had to walk away from him but I need to check on my girl. I find her sitting in my truck. "You ok baby girl?" "Can we get outta here? I don't want my stuff anymore." She said in between sobs. I kiss her cheek and nod my head and walk to my side of the truck.

I decided not to take her home just yet. I drove right past the house to the pond behind my house. It is a peaceful place and I know it will help her relax. "Brantley, what are we doing here?" She asks looking confused. "I brought you out here to relax. Clear your head. Do whatever you want baby." I reply wrapping my arms around her. She looks up at me and we lock eyes. I slowly lean down and capture her lips in a short sweet kiss. I felt the passion she had for me in that simple kiss. She's it. I'm done. I've found the woman for me.

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