Chapter Nine

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(3 months later)
Rachel's POV
Brantley and I have been together for a little over 3 months now. I know that it is too soon to tell him but I'm completely in love with him. Brantley left about a week ago to start his Just As I Am tour and I miss him like crazy. We text as much as we can and he calls me on FaceTime any free chance he gets. He wanted me to go with him but I had to catch up on my school work and get ready for finals. I just finished my English final when my phone lit up with a FaceTime call. "Hey handsome!" I say as his face pops up. "Hey baby girl. I miss you." He says. "I miss you too baby." "I'm going crazy here without you." He tells me with a sad look. I give him a little smile and say, "Awe, baby you will see me in a few weeks when you get a couple days off." What he doesn't know is that I'm heading out to meet up with him tomorrow at his show in Denver. We talk for a little longer until he is ready for bed. I tell him goodnight and hang up the phone. Now it's time to start packing.

I wake up the next morning at 6:30 and get out of bed. I walk to the closet and pick out a pair of yoga pants and one of Brantley's Georgia shirts and get into the shower. After my shower I throw all of my bathroom stuff in my suitcase and zip it up. I carry my luggage downstairs and go in the kitchen to grab a bagel. I call a cab to come and take me to the airport so I don't have to pay to park my Tahoe. I get to the airport about an hour before my flight leaves. I get checked in and make it through security and I decide to text Ben, Brantley's drummer, to let him know I'm on my way. He told me he'd pick me up when my plane landed. I sent Brantley a text, "Hey baby, I'm about to take my English final. I'll text you when I'm done." "Ok baby girl. Good luck and I'll talk to you soon." He replied and then I shut my phone off and boarded the plane.

I arrive in Denver a few hours later and make my way to baggage claim. I see Ben already standing by the exit with my suitcase in hand. I give him a hug and then we walk to the car to head to the venue. "Brantley is off doing interviews so you are gonna hide out on the band bus until showtime." Ben says telling me the plan. We get to the buses about 10 minutes later and Ben quickly ushers me inside.  The band heads off the bus to do a quick sound check and I start getting ready for the night. I pull out my red dress and black heels and put them on. Then I straighten my hair a little bit and put make up on. I check myself out in the mirror before grabbing my bag and purse and go put them on Brant's bus.

I finally make it backstage as Brantley starts his final song. "Hurry up!" I'm thinking excitedly to myself. I was beyond ready to be in his arms again. I hear him say his goodbyes as he runs off stage. He runs past me not even seeing me standing off to the side. "Hey there sexy man." I say walking up behind him. Brantley slowly turns around and has a huge grin on his face. He doesn't even say a word. He just wraps his arms around me and kisses me like there is no tomorrow.

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