Chapter 1

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So I've decided to create a new story of when carla arrives back after she left weatherfield, so please give this first chapter a read, Thankyou X

Carla's POV:
I had arrived. Everything was the same, the factory looked the same, the rovers looked the same, the salon looked the same, the cabin looked he same, the corner shop looked the same and the place I had entered every day before I had left, the bistro, looked the same. I turned from my position facing the bistro and focused on the lot of bags I had mounted infront of me on the cobbles. My flat had been emptied out a couple of weeks ago as I informed them I would be returning. I hadn't let anyone else know as I wanted to make it a suprise, wether it would be a good one or not, who knows.

I placed my load of bags down on the floor, I let my eyes roam the flat which I once shared with my ex fiancée Nick. Everything was the same, the tenants had left it in perfect condition. As I took my bags through to my bedroom i noticed the picture on my dresser, it was of me and nick at our engagement party which took place well over a year ago. I sat down on my bed and took the photo from the dresser and just stared at it, started at how happy I was, how happy he was and how happy we were together. My life was left in tatters after nick discovering the awful truth that I had slept with his chef, it never meant anything but It was wrong, it was disgusting, nothing about it was right.

My bags were all unpacked now, washing was in the machine and I had lit my fire, the heat radiating onto my cold skin making me feel relaxed. I sat with a glass of red, staring into space. The tenants had left me a bottle of red once they left, obviosuly someone had informed them it was my favourite. As I sipped away at the bitter liquid I got interupted by a noise outside my door. "What the?" I whispered to myself as I pulled my tired body off the couch and reached my door. As i opened it I saw a small pile of letters on the ground. Why were they there for? They usually just get dropped off in the box downstairs. Someone had deliberately put them there, but who? I picked them all up and took them into my kitchen where I attempted at opening them all. One by one I went through them, some being bills, another from suzie. Suzie knew I was due home today so she had sent me a small 'welcome home' letter. I placed it on the benchtop and continued to open them. The name on the front caught my attention straight away. 'Mr and Mrs Tilsley' it read. My heart sunk. How long had that been in my mail box? Had to have been well over a year. I decided to open the letter, I couldn't not open it as otherwise I would regret it, I knew I would. 'Regrets are pointless' is what nick had told me numerous times when we were together. He was always right, always.

'Your venue is confirmed' is what I read. That was all i read. I couldn't even continue as it would break me again. I had just come back from LA feeling refreshed and happy, I didn't want something like that ruining it all. My body ached as I remembered why our wedding hadn't gone ahead, why I'm not Mrs Tilsley. Nick had found out 2 days before our big day and he was destroyed. I knew I would hurt him in the end but I never thought it would be lie that. I hadn't spoken to him since the day I left, the day I threw all my bags in the back of the taxi and flew to LA. I wanted to speak to him more than anything but I couldn't bring myself to do so, I didn't want to hurt him anymore than I already had. I threw the letter in the bin, why did I need to keep it? I didn't. It was over a year ago that all happened. I was here for a fresh start, not to bring back the past.

Nicks POV:
2 weeks ago I saw the tenants leave her flat, the flat I had once entered every single day, the flat I would comfort carla In, lay with her all night, cook her meals and many, many more things. Why did the tenants leave? I really wanted to know but I didnt bother to find out. I just thought I would wait and see. I was wondering if new tenants were going to move in but I noticed tonight that someone was there, it must've been the new people I thought. I decided to take the mail up, the mail from the box that clearly stated 'Carla Connor' on. I took the mail up and left it outside the door.

Half an hour later I peered out my door checking if the mail had gone and it had. It was gone. Who was in there? I thought about knocking, but I left it. I didn't want to be nosy any longer. I had taken the mail up, I know just sat on my couch with Bethany and Sarah watching some stupid Girly show. The only person I ever watched that kind of stuff with was carla. I would've done anything for her, I hardly ever shouted at her, but when I did it was because I felt like it needed to be done. She was a right pain in the backside but I loved her more than anything and I also missed her but I knew she left because of what she had done. She had cheated on me, it was only once but it still broke me. It killed me to think of her with another bloke, let alone my chef.

It was 8:30pm and Bethany and Sarah had gone to mums for dinner, I didn't go as I made up an excuse. "I'm not feeling very well" I explained down the phone line. She let it go and put the phone down, luckily Bethany and Sarah agreed not to tell her I was actually perfectly fine. As they headed out of the door I picked myself up off the couch and headed to the fridge to find myself a microwaveable meal, I had nothing though so I just grabbed an apple and began walking back to the couch. My mind wandered until I came to the conclusion I was going next door, I needed to see who was in there, who was in her flat, it couldn't be her, she's in LA.

As I reached number 12 I held my hand up to the door but hesitated at the last second, my hand pulled back before lunging forward to knock. I knocked 3 times, and now waited. My palms were sweating as for some reason I was nervous, what if the person thought I was a right weirdo going over at this time of night. I heard light footsteps coming across the room within the flat, I stepped back from the door so I wasn't to close when the person opened it. I heard the doorknob turn and I looked up, I couldn't believe my eyes, it was her, she was standing right infront of me after a whole year of not clapping eyes on her.

Hey guys! So I hope you liked this, I dunno if you want me to carry on and make this a proper story but if you do please, please let me know in the comments. Thankyou!! X

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