Chapter 21: Carlas Shock

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'Nick has walked out and left you'

Carlas POV:
i enter my flat, my day was busy at work and i just needed a kiss and cuddle from Nick to make evrything better. Nick always made everything better. I place my bag down on the benchtop and thats when i see a note...

"Dear my beautiful Angel, im so so sorry but ive got to leave, ive got to go because ts for the best. Ive been given an ultimatum by somebody, to either leave weatherfield for good or else they will make your life a living hell, so i really couldnt bare to think that if i stayed you would live a very unhappy life, so thats why im doing this, so that you can be free, you can be happy. I want you to know that i will always love you, you are my sunshine, the only woman i have ever wanted to spend my whole life with, and now its ruined. Carla, you mean so much to me and thats why i couldnt say this to your face, i couldnt bare to see that smile of yours drop, i cant bare to see you cry so thats why i couldnt say this to you in person. But youve got my number sweeetheart, you can ring me whenever, ok? I love you, please stay safe and enjoy life... All my Love, Nick. ❤️💋"

Tears were dripping off my cheeks, my heart was broken. The only man i love is now gone, he has left my life and i have no say. I would think about our future together, the one where we would be married and have kids, where we would move away and live happily forever, but now thats no longer a possibility. I scrambled for my phone, i looked through my recents and saw michelles name, i dialled it instantly.
"Chelle please come over" i say, as clearly as possible under the circumstances.
"Why wants wrong?" she asks. i could tell her voice was full of worry. "Just come round, i need you, please"  i say as my voice breaks. i end the call, knowing she would be around within minutes.

Michelles POV:
"hey whats up?" i say as i come through the door of carlas flat. I stop in my tracks. i hear sobbing coming from the couch. I turn around as quick as i could and sit down next to my best friend who was in tears. "Carla, Carla sweetheart whats happened?" i ask as i place my hand on her head and pull her into my chest. "Chelle, look" she says. I pull away from carla and i notice she is looking at a piece of paper, covered in writing. "I read the first few words and my eyes widen. Nick has left her, how could he? how could he do that to someone he apparently loves. "What on earth is he playing at?!" i shout. I was angry. "Chelle, read it all" she instructs me. I look at confused but agree to read the rest, the rest of a goodbye letter that has broken my best friends heart. As i read the remainder of the letter, my heart changes, it changes to hurt. not only hurt for Carla but for Nick, because his choice hasnt exactly been an easy one. But what i want to know is who has given him the ultimatum. "Carla?" i say, passing her back the letter. "Yeah" she says through her tears."Who do you think gave Nick the ultimatum?" i ask confused. She looked me in the eyes. "Only one person comes to mind.... Peter" she says as she wipes her eyes dry. "Anyway, would you like a coffee?" she springs up off the couch and heads into the kitchen. "Ya what?" i say as i get up and go sit on her breakfast stool. "What? I've gotta move on with my life now don't I. If He doesn't want to stay with me, then what's the point on holding out hope he will turn up and want me back" she says as she forces a fake smile as she pours the water into the cups. I place my hand on hers to stop her. "Carla, you've just had a shock, Nick has walked out and left you, but he did it for a reason, because he didn't want you to get hurt." I say trying to make her realise. I see tears start forming in her eyes once more. "Chelle, I can't live without him, why couldn't he have just stood by me and we could've got through it all together" she fell to the floor as her emotions got the better of her. I rush over and hold her, she was a mess. As much as I understood Nicks reason behind leaving, I can't wait to tell him what he's done to my best friend. "Hey, it's gonna be alright. You've got me, you've got Aidan, Kate and Johnny and even Roy, we won't let you down" I say trying to calm her down once more. This has really gotten to her and I think she thinks that nick doesn't want her, but I know that's not true, he loves her more than anything and I'm going to contact him and try talk him around. I've got to, for Carla's sake.

A/N Thankyou for reading! Sorry I haven't had a chapter up in ages, I've just not had the motivation to write but hopefully I'm back and will have a chapter up once a week at maybe even twice a week, I don't know. But let's hope Nick comes back because carla neeeeeeds him. Please comment your thoughts on this chapter and don't forget to vote X

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