Chapter 22: Everlasting

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Carla's POV:

Nick had left last night and I just can't believe I'm now on my own. I love him, so, so much and I need him back, I need him. Once I have him I'll be okay. He must be far away now, way to far away for him to come back because I want him, he obviously doesn't want me. I decided it was time to call Michelle and ask for her help. I needed to get him to understand that I can't be without him and we would do this together, we would get through this together. As I rang Michelle I heard a knock at the door. It was only about 8am and I knew Michelle would be getting ready to open the pub. Was it Aidan, Johnny or Kate? Maybe someone from the bistro asking where Nick is. I couldn't face having to tell them why but I knew I had to answer it. As I walked towards the door with my phone in hand ready to call Michelle I opened it. Infront of me was a familiar face, a face like no other, a face I loved and adored, a face that I couldn't live without, it was Nick. "Hi" he said quietly as he looked back down at the ground. "Oh Nick! I'm so glad you're back!" I said as I grabbed hold of him and hugged him as tight as ever. "I'm sorry sweetie" he said as he hugged me tighter. "Come in" I said as I grabbed his free hand and pulled him in. "Look carla, I do love you, last night I realised what I chose was wrong, that me and you can get through anything together, that's why I'm back, because I can't live without you" he says as he sits down on the couch with me. "Nick listen to me" I say as I place my hands on his lap. "I was so upset, I need you, and you left me, you left me to be on my own, to face peter alone, to live my life without you but I knew your desicion was hard, but I also know that I love you and nothing will ever change that" I say as I squeeze his thigh. He gave me a very loving smile, I know he genuinely loves me and now he's back I want to make a proper go of things, start a life that we can enjoy together.

"Ugh I've missed you" he says as he comes out from the bedroom. He went an unpacked all his stuff that he took with him. "I've missed you too" I say as I wrap my hands around his neck. "Soooo what do you Wanna do then?" He asks. "Welllllll I wanted to talk to you, I wanted to know wether or not you want to have kids with me?" I ask, quite nervously. I know I am ready but he needs to be aswell. "Yeah of course! I've always wanted kids but with you? Absolutely" he says as he gives me a soft kiss on the lips. "Really? Well why don't we start trying?" I laugh. "What right now?!" He asks while smiling. "Well I mean whenever we ya know, are at it, I don't mean right this second" I roll my eyes while smacking his arm. "Hey I got a call from mum earlier, she wanted to know if we wanted to go around to hers for dinner but I wasn't sure if you'd want that?" He asks. I usually wouldn't but I want to make an effort, seeing as Gail will be the grandmother of my child and all that. "Yeah why not" I smile "let's go get ready" I add while running into the bedroom.

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