Chapter 14: The Ginnel

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'Mate? Im not mate of yours'

Nicks POV:
The kitchen was cold, i had my dressing gown wrapped around my body. I decided that i would come make myself some toast, and take Carla in a coffee as when i left her she was fast asleep, she looked beautiful as ever and so peaceful. I couldnt take my mind off what happened last night, she was absolutely distraught that Peter was back and i couldnt do anything to keep him away from her, i could try but its Peter Barlow, he won't listen. I kept picturing Carla with tears streaming down her face and her fragile body leaning against mine, he had caused her so much pain by just coming back into the street and i had to do something, i couldnt let Carla go through all this, i just couldnt.

"Morning sweetie" i say quietly as place her coffee down on the bedside table. "mmmm goodmorning" she said as she rolled over slowly to face me. "Ive brought you in a coffee if you would like it" i explain. She smiles at me and starts to sit up in bed. She seems to be rather tired this morning so i help her out by pulling the pillow up so it was behind her back. "thankyou" she says as she leans up to me for a kiss. After our lips parted i gave her a quick smile. "did you sleep well?" i ask. I heard her toss and turn a couple of times but i knew why that wouldve been. "yeah, woke up up a few times but other than that, it was okay" she said as she grabbed the coffee off the bedside table. "well im glad, are you going into work today?" i asked as i was a little bit concerned that if she did, she would have another encounter like yesterday. "i havent really thought about, i dont want to but then again, we have an order to get done" she says dissapointedly. I look at her for a few seconds, taking in her mood before realising she wasnt in a foul one. "why dont you just take the day off, im sure Aidan and Johnny can hold the fort for one day" i say, hoping she isnt going to bite my head off. She looked down at the bed overs for a few seconds "yeah, your right, i think i'll just stay here today" she explained while taking another sip of her coffee, made by yours truly. "would you like me to stay off aswell? keep you company?" i ask as i run my hand through her long brown hair. "no, no, you get off, ill be fine here, ive got my phone if i need you" she says as she gives me a smile. "only if your sure" i say, wanting to make it clear that i will happily stay with her. "I am, you get off, you dont want to be late" she says. I quickly kiss her on the lips and made my way out the door. I had arleady got myself showered and dressed after i had my toast. Now i needed to find Peter, let him know what he should do.

Carlas POV:
Nick had only left about 30 minutes ago and all i had done was sit in bed and recall what had happened yesterday. The look of hilarity on his face made me upset, the fact he found my relationship funny, when to me it wasnt in the slightest, my relationship was the one thing that made me happy, made me feel like myself but hes just comes along and decided it would be funny to tip everything upside down. I got up out of my bed and walked into the kitchen where i got myself a glass of water. As i sipped it down i heard my phone ring. I Picked it up. "hey Aidan" i say calmly. "um, where are you?" he says straight away, not even bothering to say hello. "oh yeah, sorry, i forgot to say, i wont be in today" i say as i took another sip of my water. "well sorry to burst your wee bubble carla, but you cant just decide not to come into work" he shouts. His tone of voice was not appreciated with me. "well sorry to burst YOUR bubble Aidan, but i actually can, seeing as im the one that owns the majority of that place" i say rather cleary so he gets the message loud and clear. "right well, your not yourself at the moment, so sort yourself out" he says blunty before hanging up the phone. I knew i wasnt myself but he didnt know why and i wasnt going to tell him, as he doesnt know everthing that went on with me and peter and nor did i want him to know. I decided to grab my blanket and curl up on the couch while eating some popcorn. I flicked through some channels on TV and the only thing that took my fancy was a travel show that had some nice beaches on. I got myself comfterble and now time to relax.

Peters POV:
I was walking down the street, it was only around half 10 in the morning and i had just needed to clear my head. I still couldnt believe that Carla was now with Nick. As i was walking past the ginnel i saw a shadow, the person was behind me, i thought it must of been a passerby so i moved over to let them past but nobody went passed so i turned around to come face to face with Nick. "what are you doiong here?" i ask while letting out a slight laugh. "wanted to get you on your own" He says sharply. He looks like he means business, but i mean its Nick, he wouldnt hurt a fly. "oh yeah, your misses not know your here then?" i say while smirking at him. Carla had probably set him up, or he was taking her problems into his own hands. "no she doesnt" He says as he shoves me up against the ginnel wall. "woah, steady on mate" i say rather loud. I was actually quite shocked at his sudden turn of attitude. "Mate? im no mate of yours" He says as he grips his hold on me even more. "your actually hurting me, let go" i say through my breaths. "oh your hurting? just like my girlfriend is hurting after her encounter with you yesterday? well i tell you what, the difference is, you deserve to be hurt" He scolds. His stare is intense, i can see in his eyes that he isnt just having a laugh. "ive been hurt Nick, remember when i lost Carla? yeah well my world collapsed that day" i said sharply as he didnt seem to understand that i loved carla. "loved carla? you didnt love her, you cheated on her with tina! i'll tell you the day when your world collapsed.." He shouts, but not loud enough for others to hear, because im guessing he wants this fiery encounter kept between the two of us, but if he knew me, he would know that wouldnt happen. "Oh yeah when" i laugh. He seems to think he knows me so well. "the day Tina died, thats when" he said rudely as i could feel his breath on my face. My face dropped, i was upset tina died, but i loved carla far more, i did, didnt i? "Now stay away from Carla, and stay away from me. we dont need you back in our lives, so go back to portsmouth or wherever you fled to last time" He says angrily as he shoves me to the ground. He was serious. He really was, but Carla is now going to have a bit of suprise later, when i fill her in on this little encounter with her beloved boyfriend.

A/N Thankyou for reading! I hope you enjoyed. Peter is becoming a bit of an arse isnt he😂, anyway, please leave your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to vote! 💜

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