Chapter 3: night carla

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'night Carla'

Carla's POV:
"How was LA?" I heard him ask me. The question that made me realise this was going to be a long winded one. I was tired, I needed sleep, but I didn't just want to push him away like I always had done. "Yeah it was good, all refreshed now, ready to get myself back to the factory and move on with my life" I smiled as I took a large sip of my wine. I noticed nicks face drop. Why? Was it the fact I said 'move on with my life' ? I doubt it. "Anyway, enough about me, what are you upto these days? Still living next door?" I smile. He looked back up at me once again, causing my stomach to go weak. "Still living next door?" he nodded. "Well how's your family? Anymore drama develop?" I laughed trying not to sound so rude. "Well, mums back with Michael, Sarah's little boy Archie has just turned 1 recently, but other than that, nothing" he laughed. I nodded while giggling. His family and mine always seemed to have the most drama going on, but he seemed to always cope so well with it. "You know what nick? I'm actually really tired, it's been a long day" I said calmly as I sipped the last of my wine and started shuffling to the edge of my chair. "Oh sorry, of course, I'll leave you to it" he said as he handed me his empty wine glass. As he stood up I got a strong waft of his cologne. I always loved that. He would always come give me a kiss or a cuddle and I would no doubt get that smell in my nostrils, It melted my heart. As he started heading for the door I realised I should say goodbye, "night Nick" I said while turning around and smiling. He have me a small smile and responded with "night Carla". As the door shut behind him and he was out of sight, a small tear rolled down my cheek, we used to be so close, now, we were so far apart.

Nicks POV:
"night carla" i said softly as i opened the flat to her door and then closed it as i left. the feeling as i left her flat was one that i hated, one that I wish could be resolved, right now, but we both knew it couldnt. my heart sank as i opened the door to my flat, nobody was home yet, bethany and sarah must still be at mums. sarahs little boy archie was staying with mum at the moment so they were often over there. i went and sat myself down on the couch, phone in hand, i flicked through my contact list, trying to find Carlas name but i couldnt. thats when i remembered that she changed her number before she went to LA and i had never gotten it since. My heart sank, i wanted to send her a text but now i couldnt, should i go back around there and ask for her number? as i contemplated doing so i remembered what carla had told me before i left. 'im actually really tired, its been a long day'. i realised it would be wise to leave her be so she can sleep. i was rather tired myself so i took my body into my room, undressed myself, left my boxer shorts on and climbed into my bed. The space beside me had been empty for over 13 months now, every night when i was in bed i would think back to when she was here with me, when we would stay up talking about all sorts of silly stuff but now, nothing, just my breath would fill the air. as my eyes started to drift off to sleep they pinged back open again. why? i was tired, why couldnt i sleep. my mind kept turning back to Carla, to the fact she was only meters from me, in her own bed. it wasnt 'our' bed anymore. My mind wandered to many different questions, questions that only Carla herself could answer. questions such as 'why did you come back?' 'why now?' 'have you met anybody else?', but i really didnt feel like asking them would be a wise idea, certainly not so soon after her arriving back. i lay awake for hours, remembering all our happy times, the time she randomly asked me to marry her, the time we went christmas tree shopping, the time we first slept together, wow it felt like so long ago, well in a way i guess it was but in my mind it felt like forever, forever since i felt her skin against mine and forever since we actually had a full day where we would just be ourselves and be happy. Her being Back is going to be hard, hard for me to see her everyday and not being able to run up and give her a kiss or spin her around and hug her, its going to be very very hard.

Thankyou for reading once again, im actually quite enjoying writing this story so it would mean a lot if you could leave your thoughts in the comments and of course dont forget to vote X

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