Chapter 17: Ultimatum

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'hows Carla?'

Carlas POV:
I awoke to the feeling of warmth and comfort, i was content. Nick was beside me, his warm body against mine, his arms wrapped my body. I knew i was the luckiest woman alive, getting treated like a princess my my man all the time, it was like i was living a dream. That was until i remembered Peter. He was back and out to cause trouble. As i started to move under the covers, i awoke Nick. "Oh sorry, Morning" i say in my morning tone. Nick gave me a smile as he adjusted his eyes to the light. "Morning" He says. He continues to sit up in bed, adjusting the pillows behind him. "Sleep well?" he asks as he places a soft kiss into my hair. "Mmmm yeah i did" i answer as i tilted my head up so i could face him. "Good to hear" he says as he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me onto his lap. "ughhhh Nick put me down" i laugh. "No" he laughs with me. He begins to place kisses along my jawline before stopping and pulling me into a tight embrace. "I love you" He whispers into my ear. "I love you" i say as i kiss him gently on the lips.

"Nick have you seen my phone?" i say as i search the flat. "I seen it last night on your bedside table" he answers. I head back in the room to fetch it before grabbing my bag ready to head into work. "Alright you ready then?" Nick asks. "yeah lets go" i say as i open the door to my flat and we head out. 

"Right, have a good day, okay?" he says to me as he stops me outside underworld. "i will" i say as he leans in and kisses me. It was like a goodbye kiss, one that neither of us wanted to part from. "Ughhhhhhh bye sweetheart" he says as he heads off to the bistro. "bye" i say, probably a bit quiet for him to hear but i don't care, i said it as i watched him head off, i still couldn't believe i had landed myself with such a gentleman. I turned back to face underworld and headed inside, i was back to the barnyard. The staff are like animals, they never shut up, but i couldn't be happier with my workforce.

Nicks POV:
I was standing behind the bar, focusing on the booking book in front of me. The next few weeks were rather quiet, so i could spend some much needed quality time with Carla, maybe take her away for a few nights, treat her to something nice, who knows just yet. i realise i am lost in my thoughts as i hear Gran trying to get my attention. "Nickkkkk" she says as she waves her hand in front of my face. "Oh sorry gran" i laugh. She sits down on one of the bar stools. "So how are you?" she questions. "Yeah I'm fine, why?" i ask looking at her rather confused. "Oh i was just wondering as Sarah and Bethany seemed to think you and Carla were on the verge of breaking up" She explains. I let out a laugh. "Sarah and Bethany?" i question. "They wouldn't know what they are talking about. Yeah me and Carla had a bit of an issue the other night but we are fine now. whats Sarah and Bethany doing going around spreading stuff about us anyway" i ask as i pass over her usual drink. "Oh i don't know love, anyway, how is Carla? I've seen that peter is back" she says a bit quieter as this conversation was rather personal. "yeah he is. Shes coping, but he's out to cause trouble, we both just want him to leave really" i say. I didn't like talking about peter, and not because he was Carla's ex, but because he was causing her upset, and i hated seeing her like that. "Well if either of you EVER need anything, I'm always here" she says to me as she pats me on the arm before getting up and heading back to the salon.

I was in the middle of serving some customers as i hear the door to the bistro swing open. It was him, It was Peter. I head back behind the bar as he comes up and places himself on a bar stool. "Orange Juice thanks Nick" He says as he smiles at me. How dare he smile at me after the conflict he caused between me and Carla. I went to get His orange Juice as i couldn't just turn him down because i didn't like him. "Here you are" i say bluntly before turning around to head into the kitchen. "Nick, hows Carla?" he says just before i was about to head through the door. "You what?" i ask as i head back towards him. "I said, Hows Carla" he repeats himself. He was so smug. I couldn't stand the sight of him. "Hows Carla? Hows Carla?!" i raised my voice at him, slightly taking him aback. "Yeah, it was a genuine question.... Ohhhh have you two had an argument?" he smirks. "No we haven't had an argument, we are stronger than ever" i answer, watching as his face drops. "Yes Peter, your little plan, it didn't work, it never will work" i say smiling. He thinks he can destroy me and Carla, he really cant. "Well Nick, thats where your wrong" He smirks. "Oh yeah how so" i say sarcastically in his face. "well I've done a bit of thinking, and seeing as I'm planning on sticking around, you cant" he blurts out. "oh well its about time Carla and i moved on from here actually, we could find a beautiful house for us, even start a family" i laughed. "Oh i think you've mistaken me, i didn't think i mentioned Carla in all of this, i mentioned you. I want you to leave, on your own" he says as he takes another sip of his orange juice. "Without Carla? i don't think so. I'm not going anywhere without her" i laugh at his stupidity. He Laughs as well. I was wondering what on earth he could possible find funny after i just told him i am not leaving on my own. "Well Nick, thats where you've got a choice, either you leave, on your own, or i will make Carla's life a living hell, and i mean it, i will" he explains before getting up and leaving. I was shocked. He had just dropped a huge ultimatum on me. It should be an easy decision but its not. I cant let Carla Suffer, she doesn't deserve that, but i couldn't leave her, she means the world to me. what am i going to do?!

A/N Thankyou for reading! whats Nick gonna do now, will he leave without her or will he stay? Give this chapter a vote and comment your thoughts on it. x

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