Chapter 15: Peters Lies

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'Goodnight Carla'

Carlas POV:
My afternoon had consisted of watching TV and stuffing my face with popcorn. I couldnt wait until Nick got home, he would smother me in kisses and cuddles, cook me a lovely dinner and lay with me all night. I got up from my position on the couch and made my way to the kitchen. As i was placing my popcorn kernels that were leftover in the bin, i heard a knock on my door. Who would be rocking up to my flat at 7:30 at night? Nick had a key so it wouldnt be him and Michelle wouldve called me im sure. I made my way to the door and as i pulled it open, my heart sunk. It was Peter. "What the hell do you want?" i said sternly. My heart was beating fast, i need Nick here, right now. "Just thought i would pop by, see how your going" He smirks. He pokes his head around the door, trying to look inside my flat. "nice place youve got here" he adds. "Yeah it is, now say what you came to say, and then leave" i say bluntly. I was sick to death of him trying to pry his way into my life, i told him to leave me alone, why was he now standing outside my flat. I frowned as i thought of something. "Hang on a minute, how did you even get up here?" i say with confusion written all over my face. "I waited until some old man came out and snuck in then, clever aye" he says as he flashes a smile. I look at him with a look of annoyance. "No peter, thats not clever, now will you just tell me why your here" i say, now getting a little bit louder as i speak. "Right um, can i come in then?" He asks. I could see he was getting a kick out of this, he was enjoying the fact that he was getting in my way, he used to care about my feelings, kind of, but now, now he doesn't at all. "No you cannot come in, you can say it standing right there, now hurry up peter" i scold. "Ok Ok, well, your beloved boyfriend, he pinned me up against the wall in the ginnel, told me to leave you alone.." he said as i interupted him mid sentence. "good. good on him, you deserved it, now can you leave my flat" i say as i attempt at closing the door. He places his foot in the way, so i cant. "thats not all he did" he said. I pulled the door open again, my heart was racing in anger, i wanted him to leave, but he wouldnt. "oh yeah, what else has he done Peter?" i ask. Annoyance filled my voice. "He offered me money, he offered me it so i would leave weatherfield for good, but all its made me do is more determined to stay, to stay and be around for my son, and neither you or Nick for that matter, are gonna change that" he says to me. My heart sank even more. Why had Nick done that? Why would he offer him money to leave? I looked at peter, and then down at the floor. "not so much your beloved Nick Tilsley now is he" he laughs as he knows he is lying. He releases his foot from my flat and leaves. I slam the door, and fall to the floor, tears escaping my eyes, running down my cheeks leaving my makeup smudged. I couldnt understand why Nick would do that behind my back. He probably didnt mean any harm, he never does, but this is all i needed, hes going to stick around and make our life hell, i know it.

As i sat on the couch, dressing gown wrapped around my body, wine in hand, i was looking straight ahead. I heard the door open and i knew it was Nick. I knew it was him. I never turned my head to face him i just said "why did you do it?".

Nicks POV:
After threatening Peter earlier i felt a wave of guilt but i also felt  relieved, relieved at the fact i had finally confronted him and told him where to go. I didnt want Carla to know, i hate keeping things from her but i didnt want her knowing this, she wouldnt be happy, and i didnt want her unhappy. I had just finished work and decided i would head to devs and grab Carla a bunch of flowers before i head back to hers.

I walked into her flat, flowers in hand, excited to give them to her and place a long gentle kiss on her lips. She doesn't turn around to greet more, she doesn't turn around at all. "Why did you do it?" she asks. She sounded annoyed, but also hurt. "Why did i do what?" i ask with confusion. I place the flowers down on the benchtop and look over at her. She turns around to face me, her eyes red from crying, crying?!. why had she been crying?. "why did you hold Peter up against the ginnel wall, and offer him money to leave weatherfield, why would you do that?" she says with anger in her voice. I was shocked, how did she know. The only explanation was Peter, he mustve told her, its the only way she would know, but he also added in some lies. "offer him money?" i ask, clearly confused as i had done no such thing. "Yes offer him money Nick, don't play the innocent fella with me now!" she shouts while getting up from the couch and heading over to where i was standing. I looked at her, straight in the eyes. I could see she believed what peter had told her, she believed every word. "You honestly believe i would do that, yeah i held him up against the Ginnel wall, told him to leave us alone, but i never offered him money!" i now shout. I couldn't believe she was actually believing that toe rags accusations, does she even believe me. "Nick, Peter told me..." she starts to say before i cut her off. "Yeah, peter told you, i mean you would believe everything that comes out of his mouth wouldn't you, i couldn't stand you being upset, it hurt me to see you like that, but i would never offer him money, how low do you think i can sink Carla! cmon, how low?!" i shout. "Nick i... i just thought that because he told me that... it would be true, i didn't stop and think, Thankyou for standing up for me" she says, as she looks me in the eyes. She begins to wrap her arms around me, but i slowly release them. "Carla, you believed Peter over me, oh and by the way, i never lie to you, so for future reference, think before you start believing everything your cheating, alcoholic of an ex says" i say calmly as i head towards the door. "Where are you going?" Carla says quietly. I can tell she is upset, she just wants me to hold her, but i needed space, she believed him over me, and that hurts, it really hurts. "I just need some space, you get some rest and i will see you in the morning, goodnight Carla" i say before i exit her flat. I feel bad for leaving her while she was upset, but i was upset that she didn't believe me, i never thought for a moment that Peter coming back would cause such a problem.

A/N Thankyou for reading, once again. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Carla believed peter over Nick, how upsetting is that. Please comment your thoughts and don't forget to vote! from now on, 8 votes will mean a new chapter, if i don't get 8 then no chapter, simple as that, so get voting! x

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