Chapter 4: catching up

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'Ive got a lot of catching up to do'

Carla's POV:
I woke to the feeling of emptiness, my bed was empty, apart from me obviously. The room felt unknown as I hadn't slept in it in over a year. I was used to a small room, hardly any furniture and a single bed that certainly would not be able to hold any more than my weight. Now I was back home, in a light, spacious room with my very own king sized bed.

I made my way out of the shower, threw on some clothes which consisted of a grey tshirt plus my leather jacket, some black leggings and my signature killer heels. I lathered on minimal makeup as I really was only heading across the street to see Michelle and then over to the factory to see Aidan, Kate, the workers and who knows if my 'dad' Johnny is back.
I grabbed my bag, threw it over my shoulder and headed out the door.

The air was cold, it stung my skin as I walked across the cobbles to the rovers. Michelle better be awake I thought to myself as I opened the door. As I entered I saw chelle with her back towards me, yelling through the back at someone. "Ahem" I tried to get her attention. "We aren't open lo-" she stopped midway through her sentence as she realised it was me. "CARLA?!" She practically screamed as she ran over to give me a hug. "MICHELLE" I mocked her while laughing. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming back?" She asked as she held onto my arms while trying to process the fact I was here. "I wanted it to be a suprise! C'mon chelle, you know me, I don't make a fuss do I" I laughed. She kept blinking, trying to see if she was dreaming, but she wasn't, she really wasn't as it was me standing in the rovers, in weatherfield, with my best friend. "C'mon, come through to the back, you can fill me in on everything" she smiled while latching her hand onto mine and dragging me through.

Michelle's POV:
I couldn't believe she was standing at the bar, it had been so long since I saw her, saw her physically in person. I've facetimed her a few times, but nothing compares to being with carla in person. "C'mon, come through to the back, you can fill me in on everything" I tell her while dragging her though.

"So what's been going down in LA then? Anything interesting?" I asked her. She laughed, she looked so happy. Before she left she was a miserable, self destructing wreck, who Ruined her chances of becoming a Tilsley but now, she was beaming, colour in her face, sparkling eyes, and a happy upbeat tone in her voice. "Oh nothing much really apart from work and sunbathing" she replied. "Living the high life aye" I giggled. "Wouldn't go that far chelle, LA seems like the perfect place but honestly, I really missed it here, I missed all the Nightime chats with you and Kate, all the times I would spend with nick" she said as she looked across the room, taking in the new pieces of decor we had. "Speaking of Nick, have you seen him yet?" I asked. I didn't want to sound to pushy but I knew I would ask her at some point so why wait. "Yeah I have actually, last night" she replied with a smile on her face. "Last night ayeeee, what happened?" I winked, obviously making her blush. She smacked my arm. "Nothing like that chelle, it's not like he would just jump into bed with me on my first night back is it?" She explained sounding rather disappointed. "Well you never know, he may have wanted to" I teased. "Chelle give over, what are ya, 9?!" She snapped. I looked at the floor, realising that I had annoyed her. It doesn't take much to fire up Carla, especially when it's about something personal. "Sorry" she said as she took a sip out of her bottle of water. "No I'm sorry, I just hope, now your back, you can put the past behind you and move on" I explained, giving her the support that she clearly needed. "Thanks chelle, I plan on it" she replied while getting up and placing her leather jacket back on. "See ya chelle" she waved. "I'll see you later" I answered.

Carla's POV:
I found myself walking up the factory steps, the ones I used to find myself on every single morning, apart from weekends that I would stay In the flat with nick, watch movies and cuddle up. As I pressed my hand on the door I heard a voice call out "Carla!". I turned around to see nick, passing the factory, in his long black coat. He must've been on his way home as it was getting a bit later now. "Oh hey" I answered back. I felt a bit awkward as I didn't really know what to say to him. "How was your day?" He asked me. He didn't come upto the steps or anything, he stayed back which I was eternally greatful for as I don't think I would've been able to control myself with him so close to me. "Yeah it's been fine, you?" I ask. He smiled at me. That smile always killed me. Always. "Yeah bit of a quiet one today" he replied. "Oh that's no good, anyway I'm in a bit of a rush so I'll see you round" I explain, trying not to sound rude. "Oh okay, well have a nice night" he said while continuing to walk Down the cobbles to his flat. I stood and watched him for a minute, remembering the times I would walk arm in arm and hand in hand with him. I couldn't quite believe how much things have changed.

As I entered the factory I saw the machinists all working hard, stitching the knickers that the clients seemed to love, especially hanlon, for more reasons than just business in my opinion. "Suprise!" I shout, as I jump out from behind the wall. "Mrs connor!!" They all scream in unison. "Nice to see you lot too" I smile while stopping to let them have a quick chat. "Sooooo how was LA?" Sean asked while fiddling with the stitching on the knickers in his hand. "Yep LA was great, sunny, hot,  lots of working, nothing else really" I explain rather quickly so I could get into the office. But before I even had time to contemplate going in there I hear a very familiar voice. "What all the commotio-, CARLA?!" he shouted as his face lit up. It was Aidan. I and always got along with him, always but before I left things weren't the best between our family and that all came back to Johnny, my apparent 'dad'. "Nice to see you Aidan" I say as I wrap my arms around him and give him A big hug, one that probably squeezed his veins a bit to tight. "Are you checking up on us" he smirks as he looks rather confused as to why I am standing in my factory without warning. "No no no, I'm back for good" I explain while spinning around to smile at the staff. "Oh that's wonderful news! Your looking better than ever I have to say" he says to me. "Oh wow, have I always looked a mess then in your eyes?" I reply sarcastically while shoving him slightly. "Of course" he said as he playfully pushed me back. It was sibling banter. Before I left I was reluctant to call him my brother but I'm more than okay with it now. "Anyway, where Kate then?" I ask as I hadn't seen her yet. "Oh she's on holiday with Sophie at the moment" Aidan answered while smiling. "Sophie?" I say as I looked at the staff rather confused. "Yeah, didn't you know, they're in a relationship" Aidan laughed. "What about caz?" I say. "Kate ended that relationship long ago, it wasn't working" Aidan said as he marched back through into the office. "Oh wow,bI've really got a lot of catching up to do don't I" I whisper as I took my bag off my shoulder and head into the office, my office to be exact. Even though Aidan and Kate were running the place, I still held the biggest stake in the place and that would never change, ever.

A/N: Thankyou for reading this chapter! I hope you enjoyed. Yes there wasn't much Nick and carla together but I can't have it just them as it wouldn't work well so yeah, please leave your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to vote! X

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