Chapter 20: Decision Revealed

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'You are my sunshine'

Nicks POV:
Carla had gone back to work. As soon as she left the room, my heart sank. My Decision i had made was tearing me apart, if i left i woudnt have her anymore and if i stayed Peter would make her life a living hell and in all honesty, i cant let Carla go through that, so thats why ive decided on leaving.

"Leanne could you cover for a few hours? ive gotta head off and do something" i say as i grabbed my coat and headed out the door. I didnt let her answer as i was not excepting no as an answer, i needed to go, i couldnt put this off any longer. I made my way back to the my flat, grabbed a suitcase and chucked most of my clothes inside, i left my suits in my wardrobe as i wouldnt be needing them anymore. Once i had gathered all i needed from my flat and i headed over to Carlas, she wasnt going to be back for about 3 hours so i grabbed the stuff out of my drawer from hers and zipped my bag up. Thats when i noticed the picture of us from christmas in 2015 on her dresser. I looked at how happy she was, her gorgeous smile lighting up the photo, everything about her making that photo something special. I picked it up and ran my thumb over her face slowly. "I love you, always remember that" i say as i place the photo back down on the dresser, in the same position i found it. My eyes were filled with tears, i couldnt beleive i would never get to kiss her again, hug her or even see her again. This was a disaster but it was either that or let her live a very very unhappy life with peter terrorizing her. I walkd out of the room and found a little piece of paper, i decided i should leave a note, explaining how much i love her and that its for the best.

"Dear my beautiful Angel, im so so sorry but ive got to leave, ive got to go because ts for the best. Ive been given an ultimatum by somebody, to either leave weatherfield for good or else they will make your life a living hell, so i really couldnt bare to think that if i stayed you would live a very unhappy life, so thats why im doing this, so that you can be free, you can be happy. I want you to know that i will always love you, you are my sunshine, the only woman i have ever wanted to spend my whole life with, and now its ruined. Carla, you mean so much to me and thats why i couldnt say this to your face, i couldnt bare to see that smile of yours drop, i cant bare to see you cry so thats why i couldnt say this to you in person. But youve got my number sweeetheart, you can ring me whenever, ok? I love you, please stay safe and enjoy life... All my Love, Nick. ❤️💋

I placed it down on the benchtop, gathered my bag and looked around the flat, the flat I would no longer share with my girlfriend. It upsets me to be leaving but i know Carla will be safe now. It was now getting darker outside, carla will be finsihing work within the next 10 minutes. I went to the ginnel where i rang peter and told him to meet me.

"soooo youve made a decision then?" he smirks as he looks down at my bag in my hand. "Right youve got what you want, im leaving for good, so you wont be seeing me around this street ever again" i say as i attempt to walk off. "Oh hooray!!" he cheers while sarcastically clapping his hands. "what was that for? Theres nothing good about this, im losing my girlfriend that i absolutely love and your standing there thinking its funny?! wow peter, you really do sink low" i scold. "well how did carla take it?" he laughed. My heart sunk, the sound of her name made all our memories come flooding back. "I couldnt bring myself to tell her peter, she would be devastated, you know that. Youve got what you wanted, now leave me alone, ive got a train to catch" i scold. "Ohhhh wow, my heart bleeds for her, i mean she wouldnt take me back would she, she deserves this" he laughs as he spins around and starts walking off. "You think she deserves this?! Peter she has been through so so much. ill tell you what she really deserves, she deserves a holiday, she deserves to be spoiled rotten, thats what she deserves, not this" i say as i turn away and walk down the ginnel towards the bistro. I quickly wrote a note, explaining what i was doing and that i had to get away. I quickly stuck it on the bistro door now that everyone had gone home. I looked back towards the street and noticed a slim figue in the distance, it was carla, she was heading back to the flat, i looked at her until she had dissapeared around the corner. "Bye sweetheart" i whisper as i turn away and catch the bus to the train station.

A/N quick chapter, all in NickS POV but the ext chapter will have Carla and hopefully some carchelle. Comment your thoughts and don't forget to vote x

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