Chapter 6: feelings

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'I love you Carla'

Carla's POV:
Nick looked at me for a few seconds before reaching his hand over the table and grabbed mine. As soon as his skin rubbed against my own I pulled back. "Nick" I quietly said. He shot his hand back to his side of the table and looked down at his plate. "Sorry um I'll just clean up" he explained as he took my plate and his and walked over to the kitchen. "Nick" I said again, hoping he would just listen to me. "Carla I get it, your moving on, I'm happy for you, but I do still love you, nothing will ever change that" he said as he turned around and looked over at me from the kitchen. I smiled at him, at the fact he still loves me after all the pain I had caused him, after me sleeping with his chef. "Nick listen to me, I still love you, but we can't be together, would it last? Probably not as me and men never seem to last" I got up and walked over to him. He looked at me with the look of love he always used to give me, his eyes would always make me feel weak. I grabbed his hand that was dangling beside his body. "Nick your a one in a million bloke, you'll find someone" I explained to him. His eyes still looking into mine. "Yeah I know" he said as he looked down at our entwined hands. "I already have" he added while bringing our connected hands up and placed them infront of us. I looked at him for a second before breaking the moment. "Nick I've already said" I turned away, trying to understand why he wanted me, why he wanted this train wreck of a human. "I know you've already said, but your the one I love and no matter how hard I try to move on I can't, I love you Carla" he said. My heart went into a frenzy, hearing those words again made me realise what I gave up on all those 13 months ago.

Nicks POV:
I had just revealed to Carla that I still love her, my heart was beating faster than it had In a long time, she looked relaxed in the moment but I knew she wasn't ready to jump back into bed with me, what am I doing?. 'I love you Carla'. Those words just came straight out of my mouth, I never had to think because I know that I love her, more than anything on this planet. "Nick please, stop" I heard her say while facing the other way. "Stop what? Declaring my love for you? I will never stop doing that, not ever" I explained, starting to raise my voice abit as I wanted her to understand that I wanted her, not anybody else. "Nick i love you too but please, I've already told you, I can't do this, not again" she basically yelled as tears started forming in her emerald green eyes. I slowly walked over to her, waiting for her to push me away but she didn't. I held my arms out for her and she gratefully accepted my embrace. "Nick I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you" she whispered Into my tee shirt. "Don't worry about it" I say as I gently stroke her hair while her face is still buried into my chest. She hadn't changed her shampoo I thought, the smell of her hair was still as perfect as ever. As she lifted her head from my shirt she looked Into my eyes and we both leaned in, our lips millimetres apart and it happened, our lips connected and we were now kissing, kissing slowly but then she pulled away and looked up at me. What is she going to say? I thought.

A/N Thankyou for reading! Weren't the Nick and Carla canal scenes cute?! Anyway Please leave your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to vote! X

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