Chapter 12: encounter

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'Everything's going to be okay'

Peters POV:
It had been 3 whole days since I had arrived back, I hadn't really done much as I was catching up with dad, Tracy and Robert. I was now ready to head out properly to the street, and encounter some of the many faces that I knew so well. I had been out twice but only to Devs and I thought I would try out the gym. Weatherfield was damp, today its rainy and cold. I threw on my shoes and leather jacket and headed out the door. i was rather hungry so decided on going to roys for breakfast. As i was walking along the very familiar cobbles that i once walked arm and arm with carla, my mind wandered to the thought of what Tracy had told me the other night after i arrived back. 'Carla is now with Bistro boy' was the exact words that escaped her lips. 'what? Nick?' i asked tracy, thinking she mustve be speaking of a new guy that works in the bistro or maybe even owns it but no, it is Nick. Nick the man who slept with my then wife leanne, nick the one who urged me to drink even though he knew i shouldnt, Nick the one who i couldnt stand and would always explain to carla how much he had ruined my life but now she seems to be sharing a bed with him. i wouldnt believe it until i see it. As i walked upto the doors of roys rolls, i hesitated to enter as people seemed to distance themselves from me as soon as they saw me. but what i dont get is its been over a year since i went away, people should just move on and forget what i did. I placed my hand upon the handle and made my way inside. The counter came into view, the same cakes and food that had always been there. After i gave my order to Cathy i heard a familiar laugh from one of the tables. I turned my head to her with him, the couple that i never thought would happen and i still cant quite believe it. My eyes focused on her, the woman i was once madly inlove with, the woman i shared everything with and even part owned her business, but now we are nothing but strangers. i wondered if i should approach her, but it was to late, she had seen me, they both had.

Carlas POV:
Nick and i had decided on going for breakfast at roys, we did go alot and most of the time it was so i could catch up with roy but at the moment he was away. Nick was telling me storys of david as a kid and i couldnt contain my laughter, that was until i saw him, looking straight at me. My heart sunk, i couldnt believe he was standing right infront of me. It had been well over a year since i saw him last, we never spoke but i saw him and he saw me. Nick was sat opposite me and as soon as my face dropped he knew something was up. "what is it?" he asked as he turned around. i saw his face drop, he couldnt believe he was back, neither could i. Nick and i noticed Peter start to walk towards us, my heart was pounding, i didnt know what to do. "hi" was all he said. Nick and i both looked at each other and then spoke up. "hi" we said in unison. "ermm, how are you two then?" he smirked. "yes we are good, infact we are great" nick said. Nick knew i was uncomfterble, he could always tell my mood. "yeah we are" i said as i smiled lovingly at Nick. "well thats great, didnt think what Tracy told me would be true, but it looks like she was right" Peter explained as he pointed at the pair of us, indicating to the fact we were together. "yes. she was" Nick said happily as he took my hand in his. I loved the fact Nick was just be friendly with peter as i really, really dont need the drama in my life. Peter laughed at us as he left the cafe, i knew what it was about, it was either jealousy or the fact i had chosen Nick, the man he hates out of all people. Wether it was either of those things, really didnt bother me as i was inlove with Nick and was the happiest i had ever been. "Nick?" i say quietly, just loud enough for him to be able to hear me. "yeah?" he replied, sounding a bit concerend infact. "what if Peter comes to find me when your not around? what will i do" i ask as a tears start to fill my eyes. The thought of Peter made me emotional, and certainly not in a good way. He stresses me out,i once loved him more than anything but now, hes nothing to me but someone i wish could just stay away from me. "carla, sweetheart, just be civill with him, dont get into converstaion if you dont want and if theres any problems just call me, you know im only one call away, everythings going to be okay" he said to me quietly while clasping his hand into my again. I smiled at him, knowing he was right. He was always there for me, no matter what time of day or night. His pressence would make me feel safe, he would make me feel like  was loved, not just someone to do his laundrey, and be his slave, he genuinely does love me, and ive never felt like i do with Nick with anyone else.

Nicks POV:
our encounter with Peter in the cafe seemed to have rocked Carla a bit, he tipped her world upside down and i guess seeing him brings back a thousand memorys for her. Today Carla had to go into work but i had the day off as i was taking Bethany and Sarah into town for some store sale they wanted to go to, i also wanted to go and find Carla a present. Some men just buy presents for their partner because its a special occasion but not me, i love to be spontaneous and suprise her with something and right now, i think Carla could do with something to make her smile. I was walking Hand in hand with Carla to the factory as i thought i would walk with her to work. "right, im off for another hard days graft" Carla smirked at me whilst leaning herself into me."oh is that right" i nodded sarcastically. "look, that lot of staff in there are the hardest part of this place, trust me" she laughed. I already knew that from experince anyway. "dont worry Mrs Connor, im well aware, i used be apart of this business, back when you were a complete and utter cow" i said as i quickly kissed her on the lips and turned around to walk off. "Oi" she laughed. "i love you!" she shouted at me. "i love you too!" i shouted back as i was about to head in the door of mums house as Bethany and Sarah were, for some reason, waiting for me over there. As i made my way inside i saw Bethany sitting on the couch with her nail polish in one hand. "morning uncle Nicky" she beamed. she was annoying but it was hard not to love her. She gets on so well with Carla, they are like a pair of twins when it comes to their attitudes. "morning bethany" i say as i make my way over to the armchair, waiting for sarah. "wheres sarah" i ask. "oh shes having a shower upstairs" bethany explains. This was confusing as i had a perfectly fine shower at mine which works brilliantly. "why didnt you shower at home?" i ask laughing. "just the fact, you dont have our favourte shower gel" she said in her sassy tone. "oh is that right? well you could always buy it you know" i said while throwing her a cheeky smile. "i dont think so, but you can buy it for us" she joked. With Bethany though, she was more than likely being serious. As we were sitting in the lounge, sarah emerges. "ohhh look who finally emerges" i say. "sorry, i had to get ready" she says while forcing a rude smile onto her face. "anyway, whos looking after archie?" i question. David and Kylie were at work, Gran was working, maybe mum had them. "oh mum took archie, lily and max to the park" bethany spoke up. "right well lets get a move on then, the day will be over before we even get out the door at this rate" i laughed. This was gonna be a long day.

A/N thankyou for reading! i hope your liking me bringing peter back, also as you see, ive put some bethany and sarah into this chapter as well. its nice to add others in. Anyway please, please let me know your thoughts on this chapter in the comments and dont forget to vote x

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