Chapter 9: Get out

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'You look beautiful'

Carlas POV:
i awoke to Nicks arms around my waist, his face buried into my neck and nothing but comfort. his small breaths that i could feel on my skin gave me a feeling likeno other. i gently rolled over, trying to face him, waking him up in the process. "sorry Nick" i giggled. "i dont mind" he smiled while pulling me into him again. "anyway, did you sleep well?" he asked me as he placed a kiss on the top of my head. "yeah i did actually, best sleep ive had in ages" i smiled while buring my face into his chest. "whats the time" i said quietly. "about 5pm" he told me as he looked at the lock screen on his phone. "oh really? should we go out for dinner or something?" i smirked at him. we hadnt gone out as a couple yet, i was to expect people like, tracy to come upto me and harrass me but i was ready, i was ready to be a proper couple again with nick.

"where do you wanna go for dinner?" Nick asked me as i came out of the bathroom from having my shower. "i dont know, maybe the bistro, somewhere simple" i laughed. "somwhere.... simple?" he said as he came over to me and started tickling me. "nick get off me" i laugh while trying to wriggle out of his hold. i was fully dressed, i had a short black dress on, a pair of my bootie heels, my leather jacket, my hair just natural, minimal makeup and a pair of silver hoop earings. "you look beautiful" he said as he pulled me close, and placed his arms around my waist. "Thankyou Nicholas, i do try" i winked, causing him to smile. He realeased me and went to put on his coat. "right you ready then?" he asked me. "yeah lets go" i said as i grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

we stepped out onto the street. we were all of 10 meters along when we heard a voice yell out. "Nick!" it was leanne. She came running over and as she approached us her eyes widened. "carla?!" she said with a raised tone. "hi Leanne" i say while looking at her and smiling. "what are you doing back?" she asks me. "well ive come back, because i want to start a fresh life here, forget the past and move on" i smiled through gritted teeth. "oh well sounds goo- ... wait so this means you and Nick are back together does it?" she asked as she pointed down at our hands that were entwined. "yea it does" i smiled while leaning up and kissing him. "well, congratulations, i hope it lasts this time, now, nick, i was just wondering about that party tomorrow for that group of 5, do we have space for them or are we all booked up?" she asked him. He looked at me and smiled, "no you can confirm their booking, we are actually coming over for dinner now" he says as he squeezes my hand gesturing for us to make a move.

Nicks POV:
Carla and I headed into the bistro, hand in hand. I wasn't afraid to show carla off, she was my angel and nothing would ever change that. "Hey again you two, so just a table?" Leanne asked us as she took two menus from the counter and walked us to a table, a nice private one in the corner. "Thanks leanne" carla and I said in unison. We sat ourselves down and smiled at one another. "You know, I've missed this, I've missed us" I said while pouring her a glass of water from the jug. "So have I" she smiled. "Thanks" she added once I had poured her water. We were both happy and enjoying ourselves but then Tracy Barlow comes.

"Ahhh would you look at you two" she started saying as she walked upto our table. "Nice to see you Tracy" carla said as she forced a smile. "Can't say I say the same about you" she said. "Tracy if your just gonna do your usual wind up can you just leave please" I said as my tether for Tracy was already thin after the way she has treated carla over the years. "Oh don't worry Nick, I wouldn't want to be anywhere near the slag for longer than I have" she says as she turns to walk away. "Oh that's rich coming from you, I mean aren't you the one to move from man to man?" Carla laughs. It was great to see her braving the wrath of Tracy, even though she always has done, she's a lot more vulnerable these days. "Do you know something, I recall you, being with Paul one minute, then Getting off with Liam while you with Tony, I don't think I'm the slag Carla" she scolds. "Right that's enough! Get your horrible self out of my restaurant and don't even think of coming back" I shout. This caught Tracy off guard. "Ya what nick?" She said as she looked at me with confusion. "Get out of my restaurant! Don't ever come back!" I shout slowly so she could hear me. "Why, what have I done?" She says while looking around her, probably looking for support. "You come In here, interrupting our meal, calling Carla a slag, who is far from one of those in my opinion, so don't even think about coming back in here again, oh and I'll let Robert know you won't be eating in here again shall I?" I yell as she has now finally heard my point and left.

I turn around and see carla, sat with her eyes staring into her lap. "Hey are you okay?" I ask as I take a seat right next to her and pull her into my chest. "Yeah I'm fine" she says as she looks up at me and smiles. "Thankyou for defending me though Nick, Tracy is definitely someone that stresses me out" she says as she leans her head on my shoulder. "I'll always stick up for you, what she said was wrong, you don't deserve any of it" I say while holding her head gently against my shoulder. "Right so shall we order then" carla says while sitting herself up straight and flashing me a big smile. I move myself back around to the opposite side of the table, flicking through my menu deciding what I wanted.

A/N Thankyou for reading! Bought Tracy Barlow into it as I thought it would add a bit of drama in so please let me know your thoughts on this chapter in the comments and don't forget to vote! X

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