Chapter 18: Desicion Time

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'ive made my decision and I'm sticking with it'

Carla's POV:
I decided to pour myself a wine and curl up on the couch while watching Titanic. I had watched it numerous times and everytime i would end with tears pouring down my face. The warmth of my fire place spread throughout my flat, leaving me feeling comfortable in my pressence. I knew Nick would be due home soon so i gave the flat a tidy before i even sat down. When i was cleaning the bedroom i put new sheets on the bed and cleaned the bathroom wiping everything down, including Nicks side aswell. He had stuff strewn everywhere, which was a rarity for him actually.

I was still sat on the couch, my wine glass now empty and the movie was over. As always i had tears streaming down my cheeks, i couldnt help it, i mean Jack died. I tried to gather myself together before Nick arived back as he had never watched titanic with me so he had no clue what i was like after it. Next thing i hear the door open, i quickly wiped the remaining tears away from my eyes and turned to face him. wasnt much use though as he noticed straight away. "Have you been Crying?" he asks, as he makes comes up and stands behind the couch. "Oh just at titanic, thats all" i laugh. He places his hands on my shoulders and gives them a quick squeeze before carrying on into the kitchen to grab himself a drink. "Nice day?" i ask. He came over and sat on the armchair next to the couch, which was quite odd considering he always sat next to me and held me. "it was okay" he replies bluntly. There was something wrong. "Are you okay?" i question. I really didn't want him thinking i was being a nosey cow, its just i was wondering if i had done something wrong. "Im fine" he says as he flashes me a small smile. "good, because i was hoping we could go out for dinner" i say, hoping he would say yeah lets go or something. "Im not really in the mood tonight babe, sorry, i might head to bed, its been a long day" he says as he gets up and starts heading back towards the kitchen. "Nick?" i say as he opens our bedroom door. "Yeah?" he answers quietly. "i love you" i say as i turn my head towards him. "I love you too" he says before turning into the bedroom, leaving the door slightly ajar.

I knew something was up with him. He was never ever like this with me. Maybe it was everything with peter? had i said something to upset him? what was it? This morning he was perfectly fine with me, he hugged me, held me close, whats changed?

Nicks POV:
The bed was cold, probably because Carla wasn't in it with me. The cold sheets against my skin made me shiver, the empty space beside me made me think of Carla who funnily enough as only in the living room. My mind couldn't escape from what peter had told me earlier, it made me sick to the stomach. I couldn't leave Carla, not after everything shes been through, but i also couldn't stick around because Otherwise her life would be a living hell. I could stay and look after her and protect her, but with peter its different, he will find a way to hurt her, he will do things when I'm not in sight. If i just left everything would be fine for her, apart from the fact she wont have me. I needed to make a decision, and it had to be quick because If i was going to leave, i needed to do it sooner or later. I couldn't tell Carla, it would break her heart. Seeing her upset is the hardest thing for me, it makes me want to cry. She is the woman i love and want to spend my life with but i just cant risk her getting hurt, she means to much to me. My thoughts were interrupted by Carla coming in the room. "Hey" she whispered. "Hey" i answered as i lay under the covered with my head out in the cold winters air. "I was bored out there, thought i would come to bed" she smiled. "Okay sweetheart" i reply quietly as i close my eyes and pretend to sleep. I couldn't sleep as i had to make a decision about Carla's future. I felt her get into bed next to me, she didn't wrap her arms around me, nothing. I decided to turn over and wrap her into a hug as this could be the last night we spend together, or one of the last. Her embrace was so comforting, i loved her more than anything, this was such a hard decision for me.

Carlas soft snores were soothing, they made things a little bit better. Every now and again she would roll over or move slightly, she was snuggled into the side of my chest looking as peaceful as ever. I couldn't sleep, there was no way, i had to make this decision. It was almost 4am and i still hadn't decided so i gently stroked Carla's gorgeous hair. She started to wake. "hmmmmm Nick?" she said in a cute croaky voice. "sorry sweetheart, did i wake you?" i ask as i move my hand down onto her arm and gently stroke it. "yeah, but its fine" she says as she snuggles into my chest once again. "Go back to sleep honey" i tell her. If i left, i wouldn't get to say goodnight or good morning to her, i wouldn't get to kiss her whenever i felt like it, i wouldn't get to see her ever again really, but it would save her from harm.

It was 6am and i hadn't slept at all, this whole dilemma was causing me a lot of upset, I'm guessing that was peters aim. whatever decision i made she she is going to get hurt in, but i had to make one. I had just decided on what I'm going to do and sadly because i was dwelling over this decision i went without sleep. Ive made my decision and i am sticking with it.

A/N Thankyou for reading! Sooooo wonder what Nicks chosen to do! comment your thoughts and don't forget to vote! x

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