Chapter 2: meeting again

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Carla's POV:
I walked towards the door and opened it slowly, I looked up, it was him, the man I had hurt so badly just over a year ago, the man that I loved so so much but now there was nothing, nothing that I could give him anyway. My eyes locked with his, much to my dissapointment as I it was hard enough seeing him let alone looking straight into his gorgeous eyes. I broke the gaze by looking down at the ground. "Carla?" He said as it finally sunk in for him that yes i was standing in my flat. I looked slowly up at him, catching his gaze once again. "Hi nick" is all I could get out. It had been so long, so long since I clapped eyes on him, talked to him, the last time any of that occurred was when he came to say goodbye to me. It was only a brief 'good luck, look after yourself' kinda thing but it still meant something to me. As soon as I got in that taxi that whole 13 months ago he was gone, no longer 'my Nicky'.

"Come in, only if you want?" I told him. I hardly looked at him now as it bought back all the times we would gaze into one another's eyes and lay together for hours, now he was coming into my flat, invited by me, for god knows what reason, maybe a chat? I really didn't need a chat right now, I just wanted to sleep, I was exhausted. He walked in to my flat, I closed the wooden door behind him softly, he looked reluctant to take a seat, it was as if he was waiting for me to tell him to take a seat. "Take a seat" I gestured, as he wasn't going to on his own. He placed himself down on my couch, while I made my way to the kitchen, "do you want a glass of red?" I asked as he turned around to face me. "Yeah go on then, thanks" he said while turning back to face the opposite way. "Still on the red then?" I heard him say. I quietly laughed to myself, how could I ever stop drinking red?. "Of course i am" I laughed. I could see him smile, even though he was facing the other way.

Nicks POV:
She invited me in. I was back in Carla's flat, the one I had shared with her only 13 months ago, the one I would cook us dinner in, cuddle on the sofa in, sleep in, everything was the same. She brang me a wine over, the same red she would drink almost every day when we were together. "Thanks" I said as I took the wine glass off her. She placed herself down in the arm chair, she didn't sit on the couch where I was seated, she sat over there, why? Probably because it didn't feel right to just plonk herself down right next to me after all this time. The last time she was seated over there and I was here was April of 2015, she was talking about a minor bird and alphabetti spaghetti, can't believe I remember that.

"So, how are you?" I managed to say during the awkward silence that surrounded us. She took another sip of her wine. "Yeah I'm really good, how about you?" She asked as she looked up at me. Those same beautiful green eyes, still sparkly as ever. "Yeah I'm okay, just busy at work" I replied, trying not to drag out my sentences. She nodded. "How's the factory?" I asked, completely forgetting she probably hasn't even Been in there since she got back. "Haven't been over yet, will do that tomorrow" she smiled. Her smile was still that perfect smile that would get me every time. "So how was LA?" I finally managed to ask.

Thankyou for reading! Sorry it wasn't that long, I hope your enjoying this story, please, please please leave your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to vote! X

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