Chapter 11: worries

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'Ill always be here for you Carla'

Carlas POV:
we sat down on the couch in my flat, nick holding me close, lilke he was protecting me and keeping me warm at the same time. "Thankyou nick, for everything you do for me" i said as i buried my head deeper into his chest. "ill always be here for you Carla, anytime your worried, about anything, or you just want me to hold you, im here" Nick explained as he wrapped his arms around me. i looked up at him, with a grin on my face, i grab his chin with my hand and place my lips onto his. This is the first time we kissed since that unexpected one in the kitchen the other day. I felt butterflies arise into my stomach, our kiss was growing in passion and i realised this will probably head into the bedroom but was i ready? i wasnt sure. i was vulnerable and i wanted nick so badly but i needed him to hold me, i needed him to lay with me and rub my back like he used to every night. i pulled away from his lips slowly, looking up into his eyes. "nick, i cant" i say. his face full of confusion of what i meant. "i just want you to hold me, rub my back and lay with me, can you?" i say in a vulnerable tone. He smiles softly at me before standing up and puts his hand out for me to grab. "come on, we can lay with your new teddy bear" he said as i placed my hand at him and laughed. "what should we call him?" i ask as we walk into my room. "i dont know, its your teddy isnt it" he smirked as he took off his shirt and jeans and climbed into bed next to me. "ooo i know! George!" i said excitedly. "george?!" he questioned while looking at me smiling. "why that name?" he continued. "i dont know, its cute dont you think" i reply as i take off my top and leggings and climb into bed next to him. "ok well george it is then" he said as he grabbed 'george' off the pillow inbetween us. "george this is Carla" he said as he pointed to me while looking at george. "Nick its a teddy bear, what are you doing?!" i laugh histerically. he was talking to a teddy, i couldnt help but laugh.

Nicks POV:
after Carla broke down in the street, we made our way back to Carlas and before long, we were laying together in bed. 'george this is carla' i explained to Carlas little teddy bear we had just named 'george'. She started laughing histerically, she reached for 'george' but i pulled him away from her and she fell onto me. She buried her face into my chest and continued to laugh. i couldnt help but laugh with her, it was to infectious. Carla then looked up at me, "what if Tracy's right" she asked with sadness in her eyes. She went from being so happy to sad in a matter of seconds. "About what?" I question. I really didn't have a clue what she was on about. "About me and you not lasting, do you think she's right?" She said as she ran her hand across my chest. "Sweetheart, Do not listen to Tracy Barlow, you know she just likes to cause a stir" I said as I kissed the top of her head. "But nick, there's always a chance she could be right" she explains. "Carla listen to me" I say as i place my finger under her chin. "We are going to be fine, and comments like that will just make us even stronger" I said, trying to calm her down. Carla was vulnerable and me of all people, along with Michelle knew that. She would push people away when in reality she needed them, she needed someone to assure her everything was okay and to hold her when she was upset. "I do love you, you know" she said as she sat up in bed. "And I love you" I say as I lean over and kiss her on the lips. She turns her head and smiles at me. "You know how I didn't want to, you know, have se-" she said as I cut her off. "Yes and I understand, don't worry about it" I said while giving her a smile. "No nick, I'm ready, it's not like we've never done it before" she laughed. "Carla, only if your sure, I don't want you to feel like I'm pressuring you" I explain. "Pressuring? No, you've never done that, this is entirely my desicion" she said as she leaned over to me and started kissing me. I let out a laugh before I embraced her in my arms and pulled her ontop of me. Our body's the closest they've been since her arriving back and this next little while would be perfect.

Peters POV:
I was coming back to weatherfield. No idea how long for but I was coming back, Simon needed me, and I needed him. Leanne was busy at the bistro and Simon had school but it would do him a world of good to have a father figure by his side. I had split up with my girlfriend Sharon only a few weeks back, she was always bossing me around, telling me to do this and do that, I wasn't her slave, nor did I want to spend the rest of my days with someone like her.

My cab was pulling into the street, the same street I had spent so many years in, the same street I had shared a flat with leanne and also carla. Memories where flooding back about Tina, how I was getting off with her whilst married to carla, the woman I did truly love at the time. Who knows, maybe I still do. As the cab stopped, I got out, payed the driver and grabbed my bags. I brung basically everything as I had this feeling I would be staying around. I got to the door of number 1 and knocked. Some tall guy answered. "Hi, peter" they said. "Hi, who are you?" I questioned, wondering if I was even at the right house. "I'm Robert, you might remember me when I was married to Tracy" he explained. "Oh Robert, yes I remember you, so what are you doing here then?" I asked while looking at him confused. "I'm back with Tracy" he smiled. "Anyway come in" he added. I walked into the place which I used to walk Into almost everyday., placing my bags down by the stairs. "Peter!" Ken shouted excitedly as he walked upto me, embracing me in a big hug. "How are you dad" I smile while patting him on the back. "I'm good how are you, your looking well" he says as he looks me down, head to toe. "Yes I'm well, free of woman now, binned Sharon off the other week, she was a nightmare" I explained while laughing. I was interupted by Tracy. "Peter!! Your back!" She yelled. She pulled me into a hug, almost cutting off my circulation in the process. "Yes Tracy, I'm back" I smile.
"So what's new round here then" I say as I sit myself down on the couch. "Oh a lot, I'll make you a brew and then I'll fill you in" she smiled. I could tell it was going to be about carla or someone because the look on her face was a look I knew, one that was out to cause drama.

A/N Thankyou for reading, sorry I didn't update all week, as I said, I was away for about a week so I didn't want to be updating as I was really busy. Now I'm back hopefully I'll update more regularly. Please comment your thoughts on this chapter and don't forget to vote X

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