Chapter 13: I Need You

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'Ive finally found happiness'

Carla's POV:
I had been at work for most of today, the day was going so slowly as i was just sitting in my office with hardly anything to do. Nick had gone into town with Bethany and Sarah so i couldn't even go and see him. "Carla?" i heard Aidan ask. "what?" i reply bluntly. "oh um i was just wondering if your okay, you seem a bit, idk, not with it" he explained. I was sick of people always asking if i was okay. If i wasn't then i wouldn't be in work. "Do you not think if there was something wrong i would be at home?!" i practically yell. Aidan looked rather taken aback by my sudden outburst. "woah okay, i was only asking" He said as he picked himself up out of his chair and walked out of the office. I looked down at my lap, why was i being like this? i asked myself. That answer came back to this morning.. Peter. I was worried he would come find me, try speak to me when i was on my own as i doubt he would really try if i was with Nick. I needed this factory clear of people as i needed space to think, space to just be on my own without any interruptions apart from the sips of my wine entering my mouth. I got up out of my chair and made my way out to wear all the machinists were. "right you lot, you can take the rest of the day off, you can thank me later, have a nice day see ya" i said quickly as i walked back into the office and plonked myself back in my chair, the chair which made so many memories to come flooding back. Just as my mind started wandering, Aidan stormed into my office. "whats with all that! you just giving the staff the rest of the day off! we need that order done within a week Carla, what is with you?" he shouted. I looked up at him. "Aidan, this is 'my' factory and i will do what i want in it, now if you don't like that idea, you know exactly where you can go" i say sharply as i open the lid on my computer, pretending to be focusing on work when in reality i was focusing on the fact my ex may start speaking to me at anytime. "Right, well, whatever is up with you, get it sorted" he said as he picked up his belongings and shook his head on the way out. I knew i was being harsh but right now i didn't need people harassing me. How could i go from being the happiest girl alive to the most miserable in the matter of about a week. My life was never straight forward, there was always drama going on.

I took a sip of my wine,before placing the lid back onto the bottle and sitting in back in the drawer of my desk. As i looked up i saw a sight that knocked me for six. It was him, he was standing outside of my office. He started walking towards my office doors and he didn't even knock, he just entered. "Long time since I've been in here" he said as he looked around at the changed setup. "yeah it is" i said sternly, trying to make the point i didn't want him here. "so how are you?" he asked as he placed himself down onto chair at the opposite desk. "I'm marvellous, well at least i was before i saw you" i replied. I didn't want this, i wanted to see Nick, i needed him. "oh cmonnnnn, don't be like that, we used to be mr and mrs Barlow, we used to always talk to each other" he said. i couldn't believe what was coming out of his mouth. "yeah, that was until you cheated on me with someone half your age peter, so yes, i will be like that" i say as i pick my phone up off my desk and check the time. "Oh got a text from lover boy have you?" he laughs. I looked at him with disgust. "No as it happens, i have somewhere to be so if you don't mind, i am kindly asking you to leave" i say as i get up and open the office door for him. "kindly? never knew Carla Connor to be kind" he smirked. I laughed and shook my head. "You really don't get it do you? i don't want you here. in fact, i don't even want you anywhere near me. you ruined my life and now that I've finally found happiness you wanna ruin it" i say rather angrily this time as he just wouldn't take the hint, that i do not want him here. "who said i wanna ruin it?" he laughs at my words. "Oh peter, its obvious, you cant stand the fact that I've moved on, you cant understand why I've chosen Nick of all people" i say through anger. "spot on Ms Connor, why did you choose Bistro boy?" he says in a way as if he is finding all this enjoyable. "Ok ill tell you why, because he's the most loving, caring, kind hearted, handsome man i have ever met, he treats me with so much respect, he's so gentle with me and we share everything with one another because we trust each other with our lives, now if you cant except that, then thats your problem, not mine." i say with a smile. Now that I've got that off my chest, i surprisingly feel much better. "awhhh how touching, well, just letting you know, it wont last" He said as got up from the chair and left my office, as soon as he left i grabbed my phone and bag and left too. I legged it straight to my flat as i needed to see nick. As soon as i entered my flat i fell to the floor in tears, my whole world was getting ripped apart from a man who i still couldn't stand the sight of and he had only spoken a few sentences with me.

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