Chapter 19: what was nick going to do?

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Carlas POV:
I awoke to nobody beside me, Nick wasnt there, where was he? I dragged myself out into the kitchen and thats wen i noticed it, the note. 'Gone to work early today, theres some leftover lasagne in the fridge i thought you might like, Have a lovely day, i love you'. My heart melted, he was so caring and never ever let me down. He never goes to work early though, theres something going on with him, but i dont want to keep asking if hes okay, otherwise he will just get angry, i mean who wouldnt.

"Beth! Get in here!" i yell. She Suddennly appears in my office. "Yes Mrs Connor?" she replies, a tone of hilarity in her voice. "What on earth are these?" i shout while holding up a pair of knickers that she stiched. "wellll, i think youll find they are knickers Mrs Connor" she smirks. "The stiching is all wonky Beth! take that batch and do it all again, and dont think this is funny because im telling you now, i will sack you" i shout while throwing the faulty knickers down onto my desk. She gives me an evil look and heads back out to the factory floor. "Everything alright?" Aidan asks as he walks into the office and sits down at his desk. "Oh its just beth, shes failed at the stitching on her batch of knickers". I say as i grab my handbag and place it over my shoulder. "Honestly, why do we still have her as a machiniest, shes terrible, and always eating at her machine" he says as he looks out to see her bitching with all the others. "Look, shes been great, she is great, shes just a bit annoying and makes mistakes like the rest of us" i say as i head towards the door. "woah, carla connor singing beths praises, never thought id see the day" he laughs. "well, must be getting soft in my old age" i smile saracstically as i spin around and head out the door to go see Nick in the bistro.

"Hey babe" i say as i place my bag on the bar and take my seat on a bar stool. "Oh hey" he smiles while leaning in and kissing me. "Hows your day going?" he asks me as he automatically brings me my usual, a glass of red. "Fine, apart from Beth Tinker failing to stitch her batch of knickers correctly" i laugh. He looks at me for a few seconds without breaking eye contact. "what" i smirk. "You know i love you don't you?" He asks, sounding dead serious. "Of course i do, and i love you" i laugh. why was he being like this? he was acting unusual.

Nicks POV:
'You know i love you don't you?' i say to Carla. I really did and that would never ever change, not ever. 'Of course i do, and i love you' she replies. She had no idea about the ultimatum Peter had given me, and the problem was, we have only just recently got back together. Our world was so good, we had each other, we were happy. We could walk down the street without getting harassed by him, we could go into Roy's without seeing him, everything was great, until he came back. Now our world is a mess. Not only is Peter back, but he's never leaving, How is that going to be okay in the slightest.

"Right babe, i should probably be heading back to work, we've got this massive order to get out by tomorrow" she says as she takes the last sip of her wine. "Are you sure you cant stay for one more?" i say. "I really want to, i do, but work is so busy, ill see you tonight anyway, we can spend some quality time together aye?" she smiles before leaning over and giving me a kiss. "Yeah" i whisper as she exits the bistro door. This decision was really playing on my mind, i couldn't focus on anything but it, because it was determining Carla's future. But i knew what decision i was making, and that was that.

A/N Hey guys! this was more of a filler chapter, next chapter will reveal what his decision is! what do you think he chooses? leave your comments and dont forget to vote! x

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