Chapter 7: comfort

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'Its not like I'll run a mile'

Carla's POV:
Our lips connected, it was like we had never parted but in fact we weren't even a couple, what was I doing?! I was kissing my ex. We both still loved each other but I clearly just said I couldn't go down this road again, so why was I stood, in my kitchen, kissing Nick. I pulled away and I looked up at him. "Nick, I can't do this" I stated. That was clear enough don't you think. His face dropped and he looked to the floor. "Carla, I'm so sorry" he said before turning around, grabbing his coat and leaving. My heart was pounding. Why had I turned him down yet again, I knew he was the best thing that had ever happened to me but the key word being 'happened'. Nick and I were no longer. He apologised before he left, what for? He hadn't done anything wrong, it was me, I turned him down like usual. it was either that or pushing him away. I had done both on this occasion.

Seeing as Nick only lived next door I picked up the phone and rang his flat. I had to speak to him, I needed him to come back, I couldn't leave it how we had. "Hello, nick speaking" I heard him say. I smiled to myself as I heard his voice, he was so gentle, he always had been with me. Well since we got together anyway. "Hi nick it's me, Carla, um can you come back round, we need to speak" I said slowly, trying not to jumble on my words. "Oh um, if your sure" he answered quietly. I didn't need to think twice before saying "yes, I'm sure".

2 minutes later I heard a knock on my door, it was nicks signature knock so I went straight over and unlocked it. "Hey" he said as he came in and stood by my door. "Right well come on, come over and sit down" I smile. He follows my instructions and comes and sits down on the couch. "Right ok so, about before, did you really mean that you still love me?" I asked him, worried that he may have changed his answer. I seemed to have grown paranoid over the last few years. "Of course I did, i haven't stopped loving you" he admitted. My face lit up and I smiled. "Well I do love you too nick, but everything's happened so fast, me coming back here, hardly been back for 2 days and things are already flaring up between us again, it's hard for me to just forget the past, everything that's happened to me has a lasting effect and I'll just end up pushing you away again, I know I will" I finally finished. He looked at me with love. His eyes were filled with it, they always were when he was looking at me. "Carla, I know, I have been with you before remember. And you know what? I love you for who you are, not for someone your not. Don't ever pretend to be okay when your not, Ill always be there if you need a shoulder to cry on, or someone to talk to and help you through situations, yes your a pain in the backside sometimes but that makes me love you all the more" he explained. My eyes welled up with tears. It had been so long since we were like this, so open to one another, so gentle and caring. These are the times I missed, the times that I could lean on him for anything, even the most trivial of things.

Nicks POV:
After our kiss I was feeling ashamed, ashamed that I had not granted her wishes and that was that she didn't want that. I gathered my coat and left but within minutes I recieved a call in my flat from her asking me to go back around. I needed to make sure she actually seriously wanted me to go see her after what had just happened. Yes it was only a kiss but it brought back 1000 memories. 'Oh um if your sure' I stated before she made it clear she was. As I grabbed my coat and phone and went back over we were sat, talking. It had been ages since we actually did this, in a open gentle way, no awkwardness, it was like it was 'us' again. 'I love you for who you are, not for someone your not' I told her. This was the truth, I could always tell when she was faking around me and that was comforting because that means I know her well, I know what she's like and I know how to look after her.

As we were sat on the couch, her on one end, me on the other, I held my arms out for her, and she didn't even hesitate, she shuffled along the couch and let my arms wrap around her fragile body, I could feel her body relax which was a relief because I couldn't stand seeing her so upset and broken. 13 months without her had been torture but to be fair, that time apart has done us both a world of good. I looked down at her to see her face in my chest, I could feel a wet patch where her eyes were so I knew she was crying. I placed my hand on her head and gently ran my fingers through her hair. "Hey don't cry, everything's going to be okay, look at me carla" I gently instructed. Her beautiful face slowly lifted from my chest and she looked into my eyes. "Don't be afraid to cry infront of me okay, It's not like I'll run a mile, I would comfort you, make sure you were okay" I smiled while placing my hand under her chin. "Nick, Thankyou" she spoke through her silent tears. I pulled her back into my arms and we sat peacefully, until she started drifting off to sleep. "Carla, you should go to bed" I nudged her gently, not wanting to hurt her already fragile self. "Mmmm" she groaned as she buried herself deeper into my chest. "Carla, it's late, you'll do your back in on here" I explained while slightly laughing. She didn't move. "I'm comfterble with you, I feel safe" she explained. That brought a tear to my eye, she didn't feel safe without me? Or was she just feeling safe in this moment?. I honestly didn't care about that though as all I cared about was her getting a comfterble sleep. "Carla, c'mon, I'll take you into your room" I said as I picked her up, bridal style and walked her into the bedroom. She didn't tell me not to, she didn't even move, she just let me take her. I pulled back the duvet and placed her underneath the covers, as I moved the covers over her already warm body she whispered "Thankyou nick, goodnight". I smiled at her, at the sight of her so peaceful and content within the moment. I knelt beside her bed. "Goodnight sweetheart" I quietly said while running my hand through her hair one last time and heading back to my flat, which for some reason was an absolute mess. Bethany and Sarah can clean it up tomorrow I thought as I walked myself through to my own bedroom. As I climbed into my bed I smiled at the thought of carla being so at peace with me. I was tired though, I needed sleep so I shut my eyes and drifted off.

A/N Thankyou for reading once again! I hope your enjoying this story, please please please leave your thoughts in the comments, it means a lot to me and don't forget to vote X

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