Chapter 5: dinner

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'Nick I'm not looking for another man'

Nicks POV:
I arrived back at the flat, Sarah and Bethany had their makeup strewn everywhere. "Hi" I mumbled as walked past them to the fridge. "What's up with you uncle Nicky" Bethany asked as she got up off the couch and came over to the kitchen counter. "Oh nothing" I said taking a sip of Apple juice I had just poured myself. "It doesn't look like nothing" Sarah piped up from the couch while holding her mascara. "Ok well Carla's back" I finally say. Their faces both turned to me in shock. "Carla's back?!" They both shouted in unison. I knew I shouldn't of told them, all they were going to do is go on and on about it. "Soooooo are you getting back together with her then?' Bethany asked in her usual cheeky way. She looked at me with her big eyes, slightly smiling. I knew she wasn't going to let up. "Well let's just say we haven't spoken about that and I'm sure carla is moving on with her life now, as she explained to me last night, so I wouldn't think she would want to even if I did" I told them straight, completely unaware Carla was walking past my flat, able to hear everything I had just said.

"Why don't you go around and see her then?" Bethany asked from the couch as she could see I was flitting around doing nothing. "I don't know, do you think she would be happy with that?" I ask, nervous as to what carlas reaction may be. "What's the worst that could happen uncle Nicky?" She teased. "She could kick me out" I explained, trying to point out the fact, carla may not want to be disturbed. "Exactly! So go on, if that's the worst that could happen, just do it" Bethany said. She wouldn't stop going on about it so I figured, I've got nothing to lose really so I picked up my phone, and headed straight out the door.

'Number twelve' I read. The place I used to call home but now it's no such thing, it's carla home. I placed my hand up ready to knock, I hesitated for a moment but went ahead anyway with my plan. As my hand tapped upon the wooden door I immediately heard footsteps. They grew closer and closer to where I was standing. The door then opened revealing Carla, standing in her black dressing gown, hair falling freely over her shoulders, no makeup and a glass of wine in hand. "Hey" I whispered. I almost felt embarressed to be standing at her door. It had only been a matter of what, a day since she had got back and I was already pestering her. "Hey" she smiled. There was an awkward silence between us until Carla spoke. "Come in" she laughed. God, that laugh was infectious, always made me, if not laugh, smile. As she walked back into her flat, leaving the door open for me I stepped inside. It was cosy and warm inside, just like yesterday. "So what can I do for you?" Carla asked as she pulled out a new bottle of wine and got me a glass. "Oh, just thought I would come see how you are" I explained. I felt like an idiot, i felt like she didn't want me here. "Nicholas, you only saw me a couple of hours ago in the street" she smirked. "I can go if you want" I told her, not wanting to invade her space again. "No no don't be silly, come sit down" she said as she manoeuvred herself over to the couch, this time, taking a seat next to me, not right next, but on the same couch. She folded her legs up and took a sip of her wine. I was in a tshirt and black skinny jeans, she always used to complement me on my arms, and how muscular they were. "Sooooooo" I begin to say before she interupts me. "What do you wanna do?" She asks. It kinda caught me off guard so I didn't know what to really say. "Oh ummmm I dont know, it's your flat, your desicion" I said smiling at her. "Ooo I know" she said rather excitedly. "What" I asked curiously. "Why don't, you make me a nice dinner, here at the flat and we can chat over that". She sounded excited at the thought so of course, I couldn't turn down something like that, especially how the way she was looking at me. "Go on then, but you can help" I said smirking at her.

Carla's POV:
As I suggested to Nick that he makes me dinner, I felt myself tense up, what If he didn't want to. I was worried for nothing though as he said 'go on then, but you can help'. Why did I have to help? I thought. I'm terrible at cooking and he knew that more than anyone, he owns a restaurant why the hek did I have to help. "Me? Help cook? I don't think so" I laughed while getting off my couch and going over to the kitchen. Nick followed me. "Cmonnnnn you can marinate the shrimps, I'll do the rest" he said while opening my cupboards up to gather the ingredients. I smiled at the fact he remembered where everything was. He was such a gentlemen, how could I have even contemplated cheating on him that whole 13 months ago.

"Right have you done that then?" Nick asked me while coming over to see what I had done. "Yes, what now" I laugh. My dressing gown had sweet chilli sauce down the front of it, only a small bit but nick had noticed. "You've spilled a bit of sauce there" nick pointed while laughing. "Oh um, can you get it off, my hands are covered in the stuff" I reply. I knew as soon as he wiped that chilli sauce off me that it would cause sparks to fly once again. His hand reached out to grab the kitchen cloth and he gently held my the dirty part of my dressing gown in between his hands and wiped it off. He looked up at me and smiled. "There you are" he said as he placed the cloth back down. "Thankyou nick" I said as I spun around accidently slightly falling in the process, nick catching me in his arms. I quickly gathered myself up, looked at him and laughed. "Sorry". He looked at me and smiled once again. "There's no need to be sorry".

As we were sitting at the table, tucking into our dinner he started asking me questions I knew would come about, I wanted to answer them for him but it was hard, really hard on myself. "So now your back here, what do you plan on doing?" He asked me. "Well I'm gonna continue at the factory and drink my red wine over in the bistro very lunchtime" I laughed. I don't know where he was going with this but I was worried. "So what did you get upto in LA then apart from work and sunbathing of course" he then asked. My mind tried thinking of an something to answer with but it couldn't really, that's all I did. "Honestly nothing" I laughed. "What, not even find another bloke?" He looked at me with a seriousness in his eyes. "No, why?" I asked while placing my knife and fork down and taking a sip of my wine. "Just, I thought you would've, your beautiful, talented and many more things, most guys wouldn't be able to resist you" he said as he looked straight into my eyes. "Nick, I'm not looking for another man, I've had plenty of them in my time" I replied while picking my fork up and placing a shrimp in my mouth. "What so your into girls now?!" He choked on his shrimp. "No you idiot, I'm just not looking for another relationship right now" I said while throwing a piece of lettuce at him. He smiled at me and shook his head at my behaviour, the behaviour that he always found cute. "Why nick, did you have someone in mind?" I laughed. He looked at me not knowing what to say, he had gotten himself in to a conversation I'm sure he didn't really want. "Nick, I heard you earlier in your flat" I smiled at him.

Thankyou for reading guys, I hope you like this chapter, please tell me what you thought in the comments and don't forget to vote! X

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