Chapter 16: Love

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'I will never stop loving you'

Nicks POV:
I had left Carla on her own, she was so upset, her tears and the way she was looking at me made me want to stay but i just couldnt, i couldnt stay with someone who beleived their ex over me. As i went back into my flat, Bethany, Sarah and little Archie were all sat upon the couch watching a movie, but by the looks of it Archie was fast asleep in Sarahs arms. As i closed the door behind me, they looked up at me. "What are you doing back here uncle Nicky?, i thought you wouldve been staying at Carlas" She said sounding confused. "Ohhhh you havent fallen out have you" Sarah giggled. I stopped in my tracks and looked at the both of them. "Yeah we have if you must know, so if you dont mind im heading to bed" i say quickly before carrying on into my room.

As i lay under my blankets, i felt the cold spot next to me, the spot where carla would usually lie, wether it was in my bed or hers. My mind wandered to her, wondering if she is okay, if she is asleep or wether she is on her couch downing her wine. I knew i shouldnt of left her, she had tears forming in her eyes, she looked like she was going to collapse at any second, god knows if she is going to be okay. I needed to see her, i needed to. As i pulled the covers away from my body and got myself into some skinny jeans that were beside me and a tight Tshirt i headed out of my bedroom. "You guys still up then?" i question. I looked at them with raised eyebrows, or lack of them. They look up from the Tv to see me dressed and heading out the door. "Errrr where are you going?" They both say in unison. "Carla's, why?" i frown. "I thought you fell out with her?" Sarah asked in a confused tone. "I did, but i love her, and im not spending tonight without her" i flash her a cheeky smile before openeing my door and heading out. As my feet reached her door, my heart was pounding. I wasnt sure what to expect, was she going to be sleeping, or what?. I place my key in the door and i open it. As i looked inside, the lights were all off, apart from her favourite lamp which was faintly on in the corner. I smiled at the picture of us on the countertop, remembering when we were together over a year ago and all the amazing memories we have made. I knew she was in bed, so i entered her room, the one we shared so many times. I saw her wrapped up in her duvet, she looked so precious. "Carla?" i whispered, Hoping she would answer me. She sat up in a panic, obviously not realising it was me. When she saw me she froze. "Nick?" she said quietly. "What are you doing here?" she added. I went and sat on the side of her bed. "I'm here Because i love you, and i know you believed Peter over me, but he was convincing, and im guessing you didnt think he would lie after everything hes done?" I say. Waiting for an answer. "Of course i didnt Nick, He has lied to me so much and i just didnt think otherwise, im so sorry" She says as her eyes start to water. "Hey, hey, hey, Its okay" i Say as grab the side of her head in my hands. I wanted her to feel safe and loved. "But its not is it Nick, i didnt believe you when i should of, I beleived Peter.... Peter of all people" She cried. I moved my thumbs under her eyes to wipe away any stray tears. "Carla, listen to me, i love you okay, im not going to let Peter get in the way of us, i forgive you, i wouldnt of come back if i didnt" i say while smiling at her. "Nick why are you always so understanding?" she questions me. "Because when you love someone, you dont want to lose them, you get to understand how they react to certain situations, you get to see the real them, and thats what ive seen with you, and i understand youve been through alot, and i will never ever stop loving you, no matter how you treat me" i say as her tears covered my thumbs. "Nick, i do love you, you know" She says quietly. "I know you do" i say as i place my forehead against hers. She lets out a cute little giggle, one that made me kiss her softly on the lips. As i pulled apart, she looked me in the eyes, she bit her lip slowly. "Stay tonight?" she asked me. "You dont need to ask, ill always stay" i reply. She smiled before leaning in and kissing me passionately, things soon moved from kissing, into another matter, but she was all mine and i couldnt be happier.

Peters POV:
When i left carlas earlier she seemed so hurt that 'Nick had gone behind her back' but what i dont understand is how she is with a bloke like him. Hes to good, to buisness like, he cant even add up for goodness sake. I felt sorry for her, but i also couldnt stand her as she wouldnt take me back. Yeah she was cheated on, but she bossed me about, acted like my mother half the time, what was i supposed to do?. Carla needed taught a lesson, one that would make her realise that im not just a soft man, but im one that doesnt take crap from no one. I wanted to split them up, i wanted Nick to feel the pain i went through, i want Carla to lose the love of her life and come back to me, she will one day, i know it. I was walking along the street, kicking bits of litter along the path that lined the cobbles. All i could think was Nick and Carlas relationship wasnt built on love, it was built on greed. They were greedy for some sex, neither one of them had a proper partner, so they thought, why not do each other. I had to be right, Carla wouldnt choose Nick, she just wouldnt.

I entered number 1 to see amy lounging on the couch, Dad in his armchair reading some book, that no doubt was very boring, Robert was in the kitchen cooking, and Tracy was at the table painting her nails. "Hi" i say as i walk through and stand by the living room door frame. "Hi peter, how was your day?" Dad asked as he looked up from his book, flashing me a small smile. "Erm yeah, bit of an encounter with Nick earlier" i laugh. They all glared at me, wondering what on earth went on. I could see Tracy was itching to know what happened. "Oh, what went on mate" Robert asked as he wiped his hands with a tea towel. "Well he basically told me not to mess with Carla and him" i said. "anddddd did anything else happen?" tracy asked, as she was still wanting to know the details. "Well he held me against the ginnel wall, i went and told carla and also added in abit of a lie" i smirked. Tracys eyes lit up at the sound of 'lies'. "Peter! what have you done!" Dad said, raising his voice. "well, i just told her that Nick offered me money to leave weatherfield for good, but he really didnt, lets hope Carla believes me aye" i say as i laugh and head upstairs to the room i was staying in. "Peter!" Dad yelled. I didnt want to hear any of their opinions on the matter, i wanted Nick and carla to split up, i couldnt walk up and down these cobbles everyday and see them all loved up, how sickening would that be?. I got into my bed, and lay awake for a while, trying to concoct a plan to tear them apart, to make them see that they arent going to last. I know Carlas been through alot, but whatever i plan would involve her, and it wont be nice for her at all. I have to do it though, otherwise she will never leave nick.

A/N Thankyou once again for reading! Peter is getting worse as each chapter goes on isnt he! Lets hope he doesnt do anything to bad. I hope you enjoyed and please leave your thoughts in the comments and dont forget to Vote! x

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