Chapter 10: Returning of the past

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'me and you together we're stronger'

Carlas POV:
After about 5 minutes of deciding what we wanted, Steph comes over to take our order. "hey guys what can i-... Carla!?" she said. when she said my name i knew it was shock, nothing else. "hey steph, nice to see you again" i smiled. "yeah nice to see you too, so are you and Nick back together orrrr?" she questioned. i looked at nick and smiled. "yeah we are" i said as i looked back at steph. "well, im happy for you both, but dont hurt him again, i dont want a sulky boss" she laughed. she took our order and went back to the Counter. i looked at Nick, "Sulky?! nicholas tilsley, i never had you down as a sulker" i smirked. "i wasnt sulking, i was just i dont know, down i guess" he laughed. "yeah understandable" i said looking down at my hands. "hey hey hey carla, look at me, that is the past, we now are looking to the future, you and me, we are gonna take on the world" he said as he looked into my eyes. i could tell he meant every word, i never doubted what he said, not now and not ever, he was the most trustworthy man i had ever encountered. "well, i dont know about the world, but weatherfield" he said as he laughed.

"Here you go guys" Steph said as she brung us our food. I had ordered a chicken salad, as Nick always wanted me to eat healthy, i also ordered a red wine, which everybody knew was my favourite. Nick ordered a steak and a beer, who knows wether he got rear, medium rare, who cares, all i cared about was that we were happy, and we were. "so youve still got robert working for you then?" i ask curiously. "Yeah, he owns 25% of this place" he said as he took a sip of his beer. "oh really so you guys get on okay now?" i ask, still wondering why he hadnt sent him packing after realising he had slept with me. "Yeah we get on alright, the odd hiccup here and there but that's how it works doesn't it" he laughs while looking back down at his plate. i smiled at him as i jabbed my fork into a piece of chicken and placed it in my mouth. i still wanted to know why he was still working here but i didnt want to go back into conversation about the past, as nick said, 'we now are looking to the future' so i wanted to keep it that way. "Anyway hows gail and your gran?" i ask him. "yeah theyre doing well, as i said the other day, mums back with michael and grans still all on her lonesome" he said while taking another mouthful of his steak. "thats good to hear, well apart from your gran, she deserves to find someone" i smile. "yeah well she seems happy enough and thats all that matters really" he smiled.

Tracys POV:
Nick kicked me out of the bistro all because i called his dog a slag, sorry i mean girlfriend. My boyfriend works their, im gonna have to go in at some point i thought to myself as i sat on the couch at the flat. i needed a way to wipe the smug smile off both Carla and Nicks face and thats when it hit me. It was only 3 days ago Peter had rang dad, explaining how he was coming back to visit simon for a little bit, and im sure neither Carla and Nick would like that at all. i picked up my handbag and walked back over to the bistro, as i was walking over i was thinking of ways i could go about this and should i actually tell Carla but i came to a conclusion, i would.

"I told you to stay out of here" nick said as he got up from his seat as he saw me approaching. "Yeah you did Nick, but ive got some news both of you might like to hear, actually you probably dont but ill tell you anyway" i said while smiling at the pair of them. "well lets hear it then" carla piped up while taking a sip of her red wine. "Ok, well, peters coming back for a while" i smiled, waiting for the pain to cross their faces but i was left dissapointed. "oh is he, well guess what, i couldnt care less tracy, that man means nothing to me" Carla explained while smiling up at me. "oh i might just tell him you said that" i said as i crossed my arms infront of them. "Oh go ahead, i couldnt care less" she laughed. i glared at her for a second before moving onto nick who had now sat back down in his seat. "what about you Nick, you must be wondering whats gonna happen, seeing as Peter is Carlas ex and all" i smirked, trying to cause an argument. "peters the least of my worries, and im not an idiot tracy, carla and i are a couple now, i really am not concerned that she will go off with her cheating alcoholic of an ex" nick said while winking at carla to reasurre her. "ughhh, well you two wont last, im telling ya" i said while screwing my face up and leaving.  i knew Peter would be in shock if he saw carla with Nick but all i want is arguments to occur, and with peter coming back, there is no doubt there will be at least one.

Nicks POV:
after our meals and we were walking back to the flat, Carlas flat to be presice, i noticed Carla was rather quiet, not her usual self and i couldnt blame her after what she had just been told. "Sweetheart, i wouldnt worry about peter" i said as i stopped and turned to face her while placing my hands on her arms. "its hard not to, it just brings back all of the memories as well, like the misscariage" she explained as tears formed in her eyes. i could tell this news was something that had effected her, tracy should be ashamed but instead she thinks its a joke, making others upset and ruining lives. "Come here, everythings going to be fine, me and you together, we're stronger" i smile while rubbing her cheek with my thumb to wipe away the wet patches under her eyes. "what if he tries talking to me nick? what am i going to say?" she says as more tears roll down her cheek, causing tears to form in mine. She was so upset and to see how much peter had effected her was something that made me want to protect her all the more. "just ignore him or show him that your strong and that youve moved on, whatever seems better at the time" i say as i pull her into me and sway her side to side gently. "but-" she began to say before i cut her off. "no buts, everything is going to be fine" i explain while quickly kissing her on the side of the head and grabbing her hand. she looked at me and slightly smiled through her tears. "come on, lets get you home" i said as she leaned in to my chest and we walked together back to her flat.

A/N Thankyou for reading, i hope you enjoyed this chapter, i want to rev the story up a little so ive added a return for peter, please let me know your thoughts on this chapter and dont forget to vote. Also I am going away for about a week, so there may not be updates as often as there has been, I'm in the car as I write now so I hope you understand X

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