Chapter 1

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Riley's POV

I was in Hidalgos waiting for James, he was at Band practise and we planned on going eat ice cream.
Since James returned to Band I didn't got to see him so often,but I know he tried hard to take the most possible time for me and I guess that is what counts right?
After some minutes I see him coming towards the table I am sitting at.
"Hey, sorry that I took so long but Luke is in a bad mood today and wanted literally practise all day"
"Its okay", I say laughing.
"Then let's go", he said and took my hand to push me from hidalgos.

James's POV

We were eating our Ice cream and I was watching Riley, she was talking and talking and talking.
I think since I wasn't in A-Troupe any more she wanted to tell me all what I had missed.
I think it was kind of cute, but in the same time she made me feel bad, because i felt like I wasn't there in the important moments of her life.
I stopped walking but she was so engrossed in her speech, that she kept walking.
"Hey, why did you stop walking?", she asked me.
She came back to me and looked at me preocupied.
"Are you not feeling well?"
"No, I'm fine, I was just thinking"
"About what?", she asked me relieved that I was okay.
"About us",I answered.
"You are not planning on breaking up with me, are you?", she asked.
"No, I feel bad for leaving you in A-Troupe alone", I said to her while taking her two hands in mine. "I'm fine James, you don't need to worry about me", she said smiling, what planted a smile on my lips too.
I gave her a quick kiss.
And we started walking again.

I was back at Band practise and I already missed Riley.
Luke was singing terrible today.
"Ey man I think we should stop for today, I think your voice needs a break", I said to Luke and stopped playing the drums.
"Don't lie to me, you don't care about my voice, you just wan't to go to your Riley"
I yawned Luke was just pissing me on right now.
"What's your problem?"
"You are my problem James, if you want to be with Riley, than leave the band", he said.
"fine", I said walking out of the music room.
Normally I wouldn't react this way, but I just couldn't bear his bad mood. "Hey why aren't you at Band practise.", Riley asked me.
I turned around to her.
"I quit Band"
"What?", she asked with a shocked face.
"Yeah, Luke was beeing bitchy"
"James the Band means the world to you, you can't just quit, because Luke haves a bad day, you need to take it back", she said and walked towards me.
"Your right like always, okay"
"I know", she said giving me a peck on the cheek.
So I walked back to the music room to apologize to Luke.

My first Chapter, I hope you enjoy the story, I would love to get comments.

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