Chapter 21

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Riley's POV

I was bored from doing homework the whole day, so I stood up from my chair and sat on my bed sighing.

The Jiley necklace came to my mind, I should probably take it out of the bin.
I got up from my bed and knelt to take the necklace out, but I didn't saw the necklace, there wasn't any necklace in the bin I quickly ran downstairs.

"Emily, did you took out the trash?", I asked Emily with panic in my voice.
"Yes, and your welcome, normally it was your turn to take out the garbage", she answered what let me even more worried, my necklace was gone, probably forever.

Even if James and I weren't in a relationship anymore it was the best present I had ever got and it meant really much to me.

"You didn't saw something silver, did you?", I asked her hopeful.
She took her mobile and looked interested to the screen.
"No, why?", she asked not looking up.

"Nothing important", I said disappointed.
Why did I have to throw away my necklace, I'm so stupid.

Still sad that my necklace was gone, I was putting my dance bag into one of the cubbies.

"Are you looking for this?", someone asked who I recognized instantly as James.
I would recognize this voice from anywhere.

I turned around and was surprised by him swaying the necklace on his finger.
I walked to him.
"Yes, actually I was", I said.

"Good because it defiantly suits you better than me", he said holding the necklace for me.
"Can you put it around my neck?", I asked him sweetly.
He looked surprised first but nodded then and smiled.

I turned around and he laid slowly the necklace around my neck and locked it.
I turned around smiling, I knew that I probably would regret it but I just had to hug him.

He was shocked but quickly laid his arms around me too.
I wanted to hug him for so long now and right now I was doing it.
I rested my head on his shoulder and smelt his fragrance, it was unbelievable how his touch could make me feel safe.

James POV

I had Riley in my arms, I hadn't expected that, but it was definitely a good surprise.
I held her very tight, she had her head rested on my shoulder and I wished we would stay like this for ever, I knew that from the moment that this hug would end, she would return to Charlie.

She was my girl, why did Charlie got to hug her and kiss her all the time.
I loved her to death.
"Riley I'm always there for you, you know that right?", I whispered in her ear.
"Yes I know", she whispered back smiling to me.

She let go of me, what made me disappointed.
"Thank you", she said and turned around leaving the Studio, I think it was again a little step forward in my relationship with Riley.

Hey guys here is Chapter 21 I hope you enjoyed it.
Does any of you guys watch Lost and Found, if you do could someone send me a link to an episode, because I am not from Canada, so I can't watch it.
I would really appreciate it.
Love you all

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